Publication: The Milwaukee Sentinel
Milwaukee, WI, United States
vol. 14, no. 46, p. 18, col. 3
Many Resorters Summering at That Place --
Hotel Accomodations Taxed.
PALMYRA, Wis., Aug 27. — Recent Milwaukee guests at Oakwood camp were Mrs. J. E. La Rue, A. L. Boynton and wife, Mr. Boynton is the champion fisherman of the camp, having caught with hook and line six pound pickerel from Spring lake waters.
More summer visitors are in Palmyra than at any one time any previous season. Hotel and private house accomodations are taxed.
Summer guests were pleasantly entertained at the pavilion Tuesday evening by Miss Alice Washburne of Boston — A guest at the Sanitarium and elocutionist of more than ordinary ability and local musical talent.
Among the well-known Milwaukeeans summering in their cottages at Golden lake are messrs. Stevens, Pantke, Meyers, Fink with their families, and L. W. Shashkey and family of Rome. Mr. Stevens completed his cottage early the present season.
Mrs. Mozer of Milwaukee is passing the summer with E. Pautke and family at Golden Lake.
Miss Cora Erricson is entertaining Miss Wallace of Milwaukee.
Miss Edna Thatcher gave an afternoon tea to ten young lady friends in honor of her guest, Miss Partridge of Elkhorn.
On Tuesday, Mr. Bert Reed, Miss Naomi Reed and forty friends from Palmyra and Pleasant Valley honored their cousin and guest, Harry Northey of Hampton, Ia., with a fishing and picnic coaching party to Green Lake.
Mrs. George Vetter and children of Racine are guests of Mrs. M. Hale.
Arrivals at Palmyra Springs: Miss Wallace; J. C. Stickney; A. L. Boynton and wife, Milwaukee; Mrs. R. D. Whittemore, Chippewa Falls; C. F. Yates, Janesville; Miss Stephens, Chicago; Mrs. E. Bidwell, St. Paul; Miss Partridge, Elkhorn.
At the Tisch House: H. S. G. Young, Janesville; T. Crooks, J. C. Kindt, C. F. Kindt, P. Barth, Nellie May Kindt, Harvey Vance, Milwaukee; T. H. Reese, Dundee, Ill.; J. L. Brown, St. Louis; E. Jackson, Denver, Col.; R. McLeod, E. Holmes, H. J. Dibro, Chicago.
Palmyra Springs Hotel and Sanitarium: Otto A. Severance, Pearl W. Severance, Dr. Wingate and wife, Dr. Copeland, Dr. Wurdeman, Mrs. A. De Leur, Mrs. Doelger, Milwaukee; J. S. Cantwell and wife, Mrs. O. W. Nixon, Chicago; R. Hemingray and wife, Miss Mathews, Covington, Ky.