Publication: The Indiana State Journal
Indianapolis, IN, United States
vol. 80, no. 27, p. 7, col. 2
Celebrated With Races.
MUNCIE, Ind., July 5. — Muncie's Fourth of July celebration occurred to-day at the fair grounds and an interesting programme at West-side Park to-night. At the fair grounds the bicycle race resulted as follows:
Mile, amateur: C. E. Willis, of Elwood, first; B. Lukens, of Anderson, second; Al Frazier, of Muncie, third; Sherman, Lamar, of Eaton, fourth. Time, 2:19½. Frank Smeil fell and was seriously injured.
Two-mile handicap, twelve starters: Sherman Lamar, of Eaton (forty yards), won; G. Jones, of Muncie, second; F. Stuckey, of Muncie, third; John Jones, fourth. Time, 5:32.
Mile, novice: Frank Garner, won; D. Galliher, second, R. Hemingray, third.
Half-mile, for boys: Robert Scott won. Time, 1:12.
Mile, professional: Tom David, of Indianapolis, first; Ben Lukens, of Anderson, second; Clark Brown, of Butler, third; O. F. Sprung, of Elwood, fourth. It was Lukens' first professional race.