Publication: The Indiana State Journal
Indianapolis, IN, United States
vol. 74, no. 40, p. 7, col. 4
The New Trust an Assured Fact --
Officers Elected.
HARTFORD CITY, Ind., Oct. 3. — The United Glass Manufacturers' Association, or flintware combine, is now an assured thing. The new trust will be operated on similar lines to that of the American Glass Company, or window-glass trust. The new trust will control the output, distribute, fix the price and apportion orders. The central office will be at Pittsburg. The stock to be issued will be estimated on the basis of pot capacity, 3,000-pound pot being the unit. The new trust embraces every line of flintware, aside from bottles, and efforts are now being made to bring all in line. The chartr will be applied for in the state of New Jersey. Of course, this organization will be the means of an immediate advance in prices. Following are the officers recently selected: President, A. Hart McKee; vice president, H. C. Fry; second vice president, Daniel C. Ripley; secretary, Walter D. Updegraff; treasurer, J. D. Wilson. Follwing are the concerns in the association: Ohio Flint Glass Company, Beatty: Brady Glass Company, Dunkirk; Canton Glass Company, Marion; Hemingray Glass Company, Muncie; Model Flint Glass Co., Albany; Co-operative Flint Glass Company, Beaver Falls, Pa.; George Duncan's Sons & Co., Washington, Pa.; Dalzell, Gilmore & Leighton Company, Findlay; Bryce, Higbee & Co., Homestead; Fostoria Glass Company, Moundsville, W. Va.; Keystone Tumbler Company, Rochester, Pa.; A. H. Hersey [sic] Heisey & Company, Newark, O.; Indiana Tumbler & Goblet Company, Greentown; McKee & Bros., Jeannette, Pa.; Riverside Glass Company, Wheeling, W. Va.; Rochester Tumbler Company, Rochester, Pa.; Tarentum Glass Co., Tarentum, Pa.; United States Glass Company; West Virginia Glass Company, Martin's Ferry, O.; Pittsburgh Glass Company, Pittsburgh; Robinson Glass Company, Zanesville, O.; Central Glass Company, Wheeling, W. Va.; Westmoreland Specialty Company, Grapevine, Pa.