Publication: The Indiana State Journal
Indianapolis, IN, United States
vol. 74, no. 44, p. 1, col. 2
Two Men Shot and a Boy Fatallay
Beaten by Another.
MUNCIE, Ind., Oct. 30. — Edward Goldrick last night made a murderous assault on Michael O'Garra. The men are blacksmiths and quarreled over an accusation that one was attempting to beat the other out of his job. They have had several fights, one occuring on the street early last night. The police stopped the fight, but Goldrick secured a revolver and waited for O'Garra. He opened fire on him as he was entering his boarding house, the Cottage Hotel. Four shots were fired, all striking the door except one, which struck O'Garra in the left hip, making a wound that may prove fatal. Goldrick was placed in jail. O'Garra came from Cincinnati to Muncie.
Willie Thornburg, aged fifteen, is in jail, and may have to answer to the charge of murder. He crushed in the skull of Charles Brown, colored, aged sixteen, with a brick at the Hemingray glass factory, where the boys are employed as carry-in helpers. The trouble occurred yesterday, when Brown interfered in behalf of another boy with whom Thornburg was quarreling. The injured boy cannot recover.
This morning at 4:30 o'clock Frank Hanika was shot in the face by an inmate of Ada Russell's house of bad repute. The man had left the girl and went to another house near by, and she followed him with the revolver and without a word opened fire. The bullet struck the young man at the side of the nose and lodged in the roof of his mouth. The wound is not serious.