Publication: Boston Daily Advertiser
Boston, MA, United States
Assignees' Sale.
Will be sold by public auction on SATURDAY, March 23rd, 1867, at 11 o'clock, A.M., on the premises lately occupied by the "Massachusetts Glass Company," Charlestown, Mass.
The entire machinery, tools, implements, fixtures, accoutrements, &c. for carrying on the manufactory of "Green Glass" in all its branches consisting in part of--
One Green Glass 6 pot Furnace;
Nine Tempering Ovens;
29 German Clay Pots;
Steam Engine and Boiler, Machinery, Tools, Fixtures, Accoutrements, &c., (a schedule of which may be had by application to the Assignees or Auctioneers, Boston, Mass.) together with a three years lease of the premises, (which can be extended for a longer term if desired;) several buildings, sheds. &c., standing on the premises.
This is the only "Green Glass Factory" in New England, and located and arranged on premises easy of access, in a part of the country where there is a great demand for this kind of ware.
The work of construction was commenced about a year since, and built at great expense, with a care that all the necessary fixtures and conveniences should be had. The dull season the past winter, and the "want of capital" obliged the past owners to suspend—yet the locality and facilities for manufacturing, and the demand and market for the goods will convince anyone acquainted with the business, that it is a very desirable opportunity for a safe and paying investment.
Skilled workmen of that "profession" are awaiting employment, and all outside accommodations can be had. A quantity of materials for glass making will be sold with the "manufactory" (See schedules before named.)