[Trade Journal]
Publication: Crockery & Glass Journal
New York, NY, United States
vol. 92, no. 4, p. 11-12, col. 1-2
Forty-fourth Annual Convention of Flint and Lime Glass Manufacturers Held at
Marlborough-Blenheim. Wage Conferences Now in Progress.
THE coolness of the atmosphere at America's premier seaside resort on Monday made it ideal for convention purposes, and when President Marshall W. Gleason called the meeting to order shortly after 2 p.m. the members of the organization appeared genuinely glad they were there, rather than its being just a mere matter of duty with them. There was about the usual attendance in numbers, with a few of the familiar faces missing, who, however, will probably be in evidence later at the wage conference.
Contrary to the contemplated programme of "no speakers," Mr. Gleason announced that he had since reconsidered the matter, and took pleasure in introducing Colonel H. C. Boyden, of the Portland Cement Association, Chicago, whom he thought had something well worth listening to on concrete construction. And it proved to be so, judging from the attention he received and the number of questions that the manufacturers put to him at the conclusion of his address.
Colonel Boyden prefaced his talk with the remark that his Association had nothing to sell, and that it had nothing to do with cement promotion except educate the manufacturer on the right use of concrete.
The points in his paper, entitled "Concrete and its Relation to Plant Efficiency." which most absorbed the attention of glass manufacturers were as follows:
"The proper housing of a manufacturing plant has a great influence on its production and the cost of production. Plants house in frame or other types of structures subject to deterioration, with consequent frequent repairs; to fire risks, with danger of complete or partial shut down; are inefficient. A concrete building requires almost no maintenance; hence no delays and disturbance of routine during repairs, commands a low rate of insurance, thereby reducing plant charge against production.
"One of the large factors entering into the cost of manufacture of any article is the handling and transportation of the raw material used for its manufacture and of the article itself after it is finished. Consider the efficiency brought about by concrete driveways as compared with the mud and dust so often found in plant yards, with teams and trucks pulling in and out only half loaded, and often getting stuck at that. The engineer of a glass plant writes as follows: 'We had about 2,000 feet of macadam driveways in our plant yard. We found that constant repairs were necessary, and that our trucks could not be loaded to capacity. In 1916 we determined to improve our drives with concrete. A late examination of the pavement show no appreciable wear, and the service rendered by it has been so satisfactory that plans are under way at present to pave the remainder.'
"There is probably no material so adaptable as concrete for plant floors, nor any other material that will give so universally satisfactory service under so large a variety of conditions. In just the same manner as concrete furnishes a rigid track in driveways and highway pavements, so will it furnish a proper trackway inside the buildings of a manufacturing plant. Whether the materials inside the plant are hauled in trucks, pushed by hand or drawn by motor-driven tractors, a concrete floor will give the best service as a track for them to run over. Concrete floors are long-lived, easy to clean, are not slippery, and will not break up under heavy loads.
"As the value of raw materials has risen often to many times that of a few years ago it has become more and more important that they should be stored in containers in the form of bins or tanks that will be tight, not affected by the contents, be free or more nearly free from fire risk, and long lived in order to avoid frequent repairs and replacements. Particularly are concrete tanks valuable for storage of fuel and similar oils, and nearly 800,000,000 gallons of such oils are stored in them to-day.
"There is no better material for plant chimneys than concrete, and from the standpoint of economy the concrete stack heads the list. It produces good draff [sic] draft, and therefore saves fuel by assisting to complete combustion. It is maintenance free, and the first cost is the only one. Wind will not blow it over, and it would require a severe earthquake indeed to shake it down."
The following then answered the roll call:
J. W. Collins, Bartlett-Collins Glass Co.
C. Straub, Cameron Glass Co.
A. J. Bennett, Cambridge Glass Co.
J. C. Fee, Central Glass Works.
William Sargent, Consolidated Lamp and Glass Co.
Thos. McKee, Co-Operative Flint Glass Co.
J. Howard Fry, H. C. Fry Glass Co.
E. A. Gillinder, Gillider and Sons.
M. W. Gleason, Gleason-Tiebout Glass Co.
Frank Gill, Gill Glass Co.
John Bieswanger and Harvey Strouz, Gill Bros. Co.
Victor G. Wicke, Imperial Glass Co.
Frank Merry, Indiana Glass Co.
C. M. Blumenauer, Jefferson Glass Co.
Howard Jenkins, D. C. Jenkins Glass Co.
A. J. Smith, McKee Glass Co.
D. A. Taylor, H. Northwood C. [sic] Co.
T. H. Howard and E. P. Ebberts, Phoenix Glass Co.
Nicholas Kopp, Pittsburgh Lamp, Brass and Glass Co.
M. W. Sloane, Potomac Glass Co.
Ernst Nickle and Rueben Haley, United States Glass Co.
E. J. Van Houten and E. B. Van Houten, Williamsburgh Flint Glass Co.
Others present were John Kunzler, secretary of the Association; C. E. Voitle, assistant-secretary of the National Association of Glass Manufacturers; Charles J. Dela Croix, New York representative for the H. Northwood Co.; Jos. F. O'Gorman, of the "Pottery, Glass and Brass Salesman"; Arthur W. Kimes, "National Glass Budget"; H. W. Gauding, "China, Glass and Lamps." and F. Calvin Demarest, of the CROCKERY AND GLASS JOURNAL.
The minutes of the previous meeting, held at Wheeling, W. Va., April 29, were read, after which a nominating committee, consisting of Frank Merry, M. J. Sloane and J. H. Fry, was appointed by Mr. Gleason for the election of officers for the ensuing year.
Their reccommendation were: for president, Marshall W. Gleason; first vice-president, Nicholas Kopp; second vice-president, M. G. Bryce; treasurer, E. P. Ebberts; secretary, John Kunzler, A. J. Bennett and W. E. Hurter were nominated to take the place of W. A. B Dalzell and W. F. Dorflinger on the Board of Directors.
All were unanimously elected.
Mr. Gleason, in his usual able manner, thanked the members for the honor they bestowed upon him in re-electing him to the presidency, and spoke of the work which the association had accomplished in the past year, which he said had fully met the purpose for which it was organized. He also touched upon the matter of membership, stating that there were many manufacturers still outside the fold who should be members.
A. J. Bennett and John Beiswanger were appointed a committee to draw up suitable resolution on the death of Ralph P. [sic] G. Hemingray, who passed to the Great Beyond May 11, and upon motion of E. A. Gillinder, E. J. S. Van Houten and Wm. Dorflinger were appointed to draw up appropriate resolutions upon the death of Mr. Jaques, who through his presence at these meetings for forty-odd years was regarded almost as a member, and who had greatly endeared himself to all.
The treasurers report showed the Association to be in satisfactory financial condition. Mr. Gleason appointed A. J. Smith and John Bieswanger as auditing committee.
The Holophane Glass Co. was the only new concern elected to membership in the organization.