Publication: The Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia, PA, United States
vol. 147, no. 155, p. 7, col. 3
Carlotta Hemingray's Suicide to Be
Investigated by Coroner
Special to The Inquirer
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1. — The suicide of young Mrs. Carlotta Hemingray, the supposed wife of Robert Hemingray, the well-known horsemen, of Covington, Ky., may be shown at the inquest Wednesday to have been forced by Hemingray and his brother. At least Proprietor Locke, of the Knickerbocker Apartment House, where the Hemingray's lived, gave information to the Coroner to-day which induced that official to call an inquest. This information was that Mrs.C.A. Hemingray told Locke's wife that the two brothers had hounded the girl to death, and had purposely left a revolver exposed to induce her to end her life.
To-day Robert Hemingray confessed to the Coroner that he was not married to the dead girl.