Cut Glass Manufacturers hold meeting; H. C. Fry Glass in attendance

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Crockery & Glass Journal

New York, NY, United States
vol. 93, no. 27, p. 17,23, col. 1-2,1

Cut Glass Manufactuers Hold Important Meeting

Action Started to Put Lable Guaranteeing Finest Quality Into Use — Blank Manufacturers

Announce Reduction in Prices


THE National Association of Cut Glass Manufacturers, which numbers among its membership many of the representative factories in the business, held in New York last Thursday, at the Hotel Imperial, what is without doubt one of the most important meetings in the history of the organization.

The manufacturers have long realized the necessity doing something toward putting cut glass on a plane of quality and artistic merit, and the wheels were set in motion looking toward the early adoption of a label which will guarantee the finest quality of lead potash blanks, execution of patterns and finish.

This label has been under consideration by the association for the past two years, and final action for its adoption is one the greatest strides forward yet accomplished by cut glass manufacturers in this country.

This will mean protection for the buyer and the purchaser as well, for each piece bearing the label must also carry a stamp. The cut glass of any manufacturer making use of the label is to be passed upon by a inspector regularly appointed by the Association, whose duty will be to see that all cut glass which bears the label must measure up fully to the standard set. The designs for both the label and stamp were submitted and approved at the meeting.

The following articles of agreement in connection with the use of the label were adopted at the meeting:

"The accompanying Articles of Agreement are now offered for the consideration of such members of the National Association of Cut Glass Manufacturers who are willing and desirous of availing themselves of the opportunity, privilege and power to further the interests of the business and profession of Cut Glass as a means of bringing members closer together, to elevate the character of the goods from a mere commodity to a work of art and exclusiveness, a pride to the producer and a complete satisfaction to the critic and connoisseur.

"1. The National Association of Cut Glass Manufacturers shall appoint a Board of Managers consisting of five members selected from the officers of the said Association, to include the President, Secretary and Treasurer at a salary of (?), provided such officers have subscribed to those articles, otherwise any subscriber is eligible.

"2. Also an Inspector at a salary of (?).

"3. Subscribers must agree to use (or attach) Stamp (or Seal) only on blanks guaranteed by manufacturer to be best lead and potash metal and approved by not less than a majority of the Board of Managers.

"4. Every article must be finished as follows (Clause in Fry's and Libbey's Contract modified or revised if necessary): A majority of the Board of Managers shall decide and determine if rule has been completely complied with.

"5. Subscriber must agree to submit to an inspection by the Official Inspector at any time.

"6. In the event that the Board of Managers has condemned any article or articles, and same has resulted in an extra and additional expense, subscriber must agree to reimburse customer and also the Association. This charge, however, may be refunded at the discretion of a majority of the Board of Managers.

"7. All articles condemned must be recalled by subscriber and finished according to requirements of Article 4.

"8. A recurrence of violation of rules 4, 5, 6 and 7, after due notice and a refusal to comply with these rules, subjects subscriber to the penalty of forfeiture of the use of the Stamp or Seal and a fine of 50 per cent of selling price of each and every item condemned.

"9. Charge for the use of the Stamp or Seal shall be fixed either by a flat price for each stamp (or according to value upon which it is used).

"10. The following was proposed and adopted in addition to the above at the Executive Committee meeting in Philadelphia April 25, 1921: Only members in good standing in the National Association of Cut Glass Manufacturers on July 1, 1921, in accordance with Article 8 of the new By-Laws, shall be eligible to Charter Membership.

"11. Original subscribers shall be known as Charter Members. New members shall pay an entrance or initiation minimum fee of $100, and such additional as the Board of Managers may determine.

"12. Only Members subscribing to the articles covering use of Label shall have vote on any question or subject matter relating to the Label. This refers especially to the election of the Board of Managers.

"13. The Board of Managers shall elect a Treasurer, who shall have charge of the funds created by the use of the Seal and initiation fee of new members covered by Article No. 11. A bond sufficient to cover this fund shall be furnished at all times, expense to be charged to the fund.

"14. An Advertising Committee to be elected and under the supervision of the Board of Managers, to place before the general public the matter of the Seal in the most effective manner, with explanation, etc., of the benefits pertaining thereto.

"15. Each article with acid Seal must have Label attached also."

President G. William Sell, of the Krantz & Sell Co., who presided at the meeting, appointed Chas. H. Taylor and Thomas Skinner to constitute the Board of Managers, together with the president , Raymond H. Fender, Secretary, and Thos. P. Strittmater, Treasurer.

The following pledge supporting the label campaign was then signed by the supporting members:

"We, the undersigned, each of us members of the National Association of Cut Glass Manufacturers, hereby subscribe $500 for 10,000 labels of the said Association. This subscription is made on condition that a fund of $25,000 shall be pledged for an advertising campaign in giving publicity to the Label of the Association.

"It is understood that the Labels shall be received by us for use subject to the conditions imposed in the Association licensing agreement. Signed by the Tuthill Cut Glass Co., Quaker City Cut Glass Co., The Krantz & Sell Co., Geo. Phillips & Co., Ltd., The Empire Cut Glass Co., Jewel Cut Glass Co., Edw. W. Mayer, Fischer Cut Glass Co., Sterling Glass Co., Libbey Glass Mfg. Co., H. C. Fry Glass Co., Thos Skinner."

Another matter of a great deal of interest was the announcement at the meeting by J. Howard Fry, of the H. C. Fry Glass Co., and Mr. Miltz, with the Libbey Glass Mfg. Co., that there would be a reduction in the price of figured blanks ranging from 10 to 12 1/2 per cent. to become effective July 11th. Mr. Fry said that their line would be reduced approximately 10 per cent. and some items more. This reduction is being made by these manufacturers in the face of high price of labor, and not knowing whether the July conference with the workers will result in concessions by them. In taking the initiative in lowering prices at this time, Mr. Fry felt that it would perhaps have its psychological affect on the workers. These prices will be guaranteed until January 1st., whether the workers agree to a reduction in wages or not, and it is also further guaranteed that there will be no further reduction up to January 1st, which makes it possible for the cutting shops to go ahead and place their orders, knowing right where they stand in the matter of price. The Figueroa Cut Glass Co., Hammonton, N. J., were elected to membership.

Those who attended or the firms represented at the meeting were: Victor Brisbois, Chas. Becker, Empire Cut Glass Co., H. C. Fry Glass Co., Fischer Cut Glass Co., J. H. Hesfeldt, Jewel Cut Glass Co., Krantz & Sell Co., Emil F. Kupfer, Libbey Mfg. Glass Co., Edw. W. Mayer, J. J. Niland, Geo. Phillips & Co., Pairpont Corp., Packwood-Northwood Glass Co., Powelton Cut Glass Co., Penn Cut Glass Co., Quaker City Cut Glass Co., Thos. Sholten Sons, Inc., Thos. Skinner & Son, Tuthill Glass Co.


Keywords:H. C. Fry Glass Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:February 7, 2009 by: Bob Stahr;