Thomson-Houston, Pass & Seymour, Electrical Supply Company, Knapp Electrical Works, E. S. Greeley & Company, & Pettingill Andrews & Company exhibits

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Electrical Industries

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 2, no. 3, p. 74-75, col. 1-2

Convention Notes and Exhibits.

A most interesting and pleasant event at the convention was the formal opening of the electrical exhibition in Union hall on Tuesday evening. Though the hall was somewhat small, the attendance was large. Not only were the members and their friends present, but many citizens of Providence and vicinity were interested spectators of the novel and brilliant displays made by the various exhibitors. General Barney introduced President Perry, who made a brief address, thanking the committee of exhibits for their labors, and welcoming the many visitors. The members of the association in their turn were cordially welcomed by ex-Governor Ladd. The little daughter of Van A. Thomas, superintendent of the Narraganset Electric Light Company, then closed the circuit, and the hall, which up to this time had been dimly lighted by gas jets, in an instant was ablaze with innumerable incandescent lamps arranged in an unique and tasteful manner. This was the signal for an outburst of enthusiasm. Gongs were beaten, tin horns blown, and for a time pandemonium held uncontested sway. Quiet at length prevailed, however, and there was an opportunity to examine the various exhibits.

These had been arranged under the person al supervision of Mr. W. J. Hammer, and although additional space would have added to the beauty of the display, still, the excellent taste displayed and the brilliant effects of the illumination, formed a picture as charming as it was unique.



THE THOMSON-HOUSTON ELECTRIC COMPANY had several representatives present. In addition to other apparatus, the Thomson recording Watt meter was shown and fully explained by Mr. Caryl D. Haskins, superintendent of the meter department of the company.



THE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY COMPANY, Chicago, were represented by Messrs. F. S. Terry, the manager, and Chas. Wirt, who displayed some of the new specialties of the company.

PASS & SEYMOUR, Syracuse, N. Y., had their interests looked after by Mr. A. P. Seymour, who is also the superintendent of the Syracuse Electric Light and Power Co. A full line of the former company's special insulating china was exhibited.



PETTINGILL, ANDREWS & CO., representing in New England the Okonite wires and "K. W." goods, made a handsome display of samples of nearly everything required in electric lighting. Mr. Pettingill was in attendance.



THE KNAPP ELECTRICAL WORKS, Chicago, were represented by Mr. M. A. Knapp. Mr. Knapp has the exclusive western agency for the Perkins Electric Company and the Perkins Lamp Company, whose wares were handsomely displayed in the parlors of the Narragansett hotel.



THE E. S. GREELEY Co., New York, had on exhibition a very complete line of high grade testing instruments and general electrical supplies, all of which were in charge of Messrs. F. A. Magee and Charles Frey.




Keywords:Thomson-Houston Electric Company : Pass & Seymour : Electrical Supply Company Chicago : Knapp Electrical Works : E. S. Greeley & Company : Pettingill Andrews & Company
Researcher notes:The exhibits were part of the National Electric Light Associaton convention
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:November 8, 2008 by: Bob Stahr;