[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Technology Review
Cambridge, MA, United States
vol. 23, no. 2, p. 241,302-304, col. 1
KENNETH FELLOWS AKERS, Secretary, 54 Dwight Street, Brookline, Mass.
Thanks to Professor Schell of the engineering administration department, your secretary has a few more news notes than otherwise would have been available. Hence, if Course XV seems to predominate it will be through Professor Schell's efforts. I want to take this opportunity to thank you. Professor Schell, for aiding me in securing news of the 1920 crowd. The following are the results brought forward by your letter:
Monroe Shakespeare is living at 60 Melrose Street, Kalamazoo, Mich., and is employed as secretary to the president of the Shakespeare Co. in that city. — Kenneth B. White is still with Cheney Brothers, in South Manchester, Conn., as a time study man. — Heine Haskell is with the Aluminum Seal Co. in New Kensington, Pa., in the capacity of general storekeeper. — Thomas Orchard is in Salem, Mass., taking a course with the Hygrade Incandescent Lamp Co. in lamp manufacture and making analyses of each production job. — Bud Cofren is with the United States Industrial Chemical Co., at 27 Williams Street, New York City. He is selling alcohol for that company and living at The Allerton House, Madison Avenue and 55th Street. — Stan Bragdon, as an employee of the Peerless Screen Co., seems to be making a name for himself. His business address is Westbrook, Me. — A. L. Morley is with the United Drug Co., as assistant buyer of paper and paper products in Boston, and is living at 11 Baldwin Street, Cambridge. — R. W. Case, Major Ordnance Department, is in command of the arsenal at Metuchen, N. J.
R. I. Bradley is working for his father and thinks that his chances for a good job are bright. He was with the American Agricultural Chemical Co. till Christmas, but resigned at that time. — Larry Winant is in New Britain, Conn., working for the Stanley Works, manufacturers of butt-hinges, wrought hardware, and cold steel. His work consists of time study work, shop experience and "filling grease cups." — J. E. Cassidy is with the Peter Gray Co., lamp manufacturers, working in the cost department, and thinks he may be one of the partners when he is sixty-five. — Dolly Gray is still with the United States Aluminum Co. in New Kensington, Pa., but is now an assistant in the planning department. His work covers the planning and scheduling of the whole mill. — Warren Chaffin is in the capacity of junior industrial engineer for the Szepsi Industrial Organization at 673 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. — Luman Thurber is treasurer and office manager for the United States Vaporizer Co. at 214 State Street, Boston, Mass. — J. L. McGuigan is in the Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va., as assistant shop superintendent. — Harry Blount is with the New York branch of Fairbanks, Morse & Co. in the sales department. At present he is at the factory at Three Rivers, Mich., for instruction in the manufacture of the product, after which he expects to be assigned to a territory.
Archibald Kinghorn writes as follows from Pittsburgh:
"We have scouts in other portions of the Smoky City salient. H. W. Hills is studying the method of attack on things electrical at the Westinghouse plant. — 'Yellow peril' Farist has taken Carnegie Technology by storm and is showing the students how to make a motor do the 'shimmy'. At present he is spending most of his time looking for an apartment, as the stage seems to be more or less set for him to make a life contract with a certain party in the vicinity of New Haven. — Whittaker, who was the shining light in Course X politics is showing them how to make two pieces of steel flourish where one grew before at the American Sheet and Tin Plate Co. — As for myself I am trying to convince the Bell Telephone Co. that I am worth $10,000 a year, and I have a hard row to hoe."
Word comes from Professor Schell's office of the following:
Fred Crapo is assistant superintendent with Hemingray Glass Co., Muncie, Indiana. — Carl Leander writes "My present efforts are along the lines of sales and sales engineering for the William C. Robinson & Son Co." — Dave Fiske is out in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, "working for a meat packing house, doing mainly refrigeration work. His address is Box 415, Young Men's Christian Association. — Joe Padilla writes from Comayaguela, Honduras, C. A., that he is designing highway bridges for the inhabitants of Central America.
Just a word in closing. If any of the gang are ever in Boston they can always find their weary secretary in the "Cafe Des Enfants," otherwise known as Childs, in company with Ned Murdough and Harold Bugbee of our distinguished Class. The hour? Oh yes! It is twelve-thirty every noon.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the following men for their thoughtful cards at Christmas time: Bob Mitchell, Albion Doe, Merrill Knox, Hank Pierce and Jack Coyle.
Don't forget to keep in touch with me and bear in mind that we will have a "get-together " in June at commencement time, details of which you will hear of later. Yours for 1920, "Ken" Akers.
I nearly forgot to tell the gang about a few more of our classmates but thanks to the Editor I am able to add this postscript:
George "Pierpont" Morgan has gone back to his home state of Texas to work for Stone & Webster, having been transferred from their Boston office. The burg he is located in goes by the name of Beaumont. — Fred Earle is attached to the Industrial Division, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va., with the duty of docking officer. — Merritt Taylor is with the Edison Phonograph Works, after spending six months in the engineering department of their laboratories. — Albion Doe is in charge of all the instructors in the shops, supervising and organizing the shop work given to embryo mechanical and electrical engineers. He also teaches Engineering Administration to the senior men, and without doubt models his course after Professor Schell's excellent one given Course XV men last year. — H. J. Williams is assistant engineer with the Maine Water Power Commission in Augusta, Me. His work is as evident along hydraulic engineering lines. — Harold Kepner is assistant sanitary engineer with the Illinois State Board of Health and is located in Springfield. — Major Sanger is still with the Infantry, U. S. A., teaching something about communications to units smaller than a division tor our army in the next war. He says there are some good jobs going begging in the grades of lieutenant with captaincy in the future. — Bat Thresher is with the Eddystone Manufacturing Co. as assistant to the chief engineer. This plant is devoted to the bleaching, printing, dyeing and finishing of cotton fabrics.
Jimmy Gibson is in New York selling Burroughs Adding Machines, He thinks he has struck the job that appeals to him and we wish him the best of success. — Ring Amundsen is with the Worthington Pump and Machinery Corporation. He is designing heavy oil engines for that company. — Harold Bugbee is working with the Walter B. Snow Advertizing Agency. I see him every noon for we eat together and his work is very interesting and he feels that he has struck a good proposition. — Franklin H. Blackmer is studying for the ministry in the New Church Theological School, Cambridge, Mass. — Gorham L. Cross is with the Rome Wire Co. in Rome, N. Y. He is an assistant in the time study and rate setting department. He is at present doing some special graphical and statistical work for the president of the company. — L. D. Wilson is now working for the Beacon Oil Co. in Everett, Mass. He is working with the engineering corps on the work of constructing their new plant. — This ends my short(?) postscript and remember we are to have a gathering of the Class at commencement time, the details of which you will hear of through the mails later. I thank you!