[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 9, no. 5, p. 57, col. 1
Henry M. Byllesby.
That an intimate knowledge of the scientific and mechanical branches is of great value to the head of an electrical enterprise is shown by instances in which experts have become successful managers. True, it is necessary in such cases to combine executive ability and scientific knowledge — a combination that is generally considered out of the question. Yet that there are such cases is known to all acquainted with the managers of the great electrical houses of this country. One of the most conspicuous of this class is Henry M. Byllesby, the subject of this sketch, whose portrait is herewith presented.
Mr. Byllesby was born in January, 1859, in Pittsburg, Pa his father being the late Rev. D. C. Byllesby of the Episcopal church. His early days were passed at Mount Holly N. J. Later he accompanied his father to Allentown, Pa., and while residing there entered the class of 1878 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem. He was not able to complete his scientific studies at that institution, however, as he found it necessary to accompany his father to Roselle. While at Roselle he was for a time employed in the general office of the Central Railroad of New Jersey in New York city. From 1879 to 1882 he was employed by Robert Wetherill & Co. of Chester, Pa., as a draftsman and mechanical engineer.
In 1882 he became connected with the Edison company, and maintained this connection until 1885, spending most of his time as manager of the Canadian department of that company. In 1885 he accepted an offer from Geo. Westinghouse, Jr., to become eastern sales agent of the Westinghouse Electric company. Soon after he was appointed general manager, and then elected first vice president, holding these positions until December, 1890, when his resignation was reluctantly accepted. In February, 1891, he became connected with the Thomson-Houston Electric company. In May, 1891, he was elected vice-president of the Northwest Thomson-Houston Electric company, with headquarters at St. Paul, and in June was promoted to the presidency of that company.
From childhood Mr. Byllesby has been interested in all branches of mechanics, his greatest pleasure as a boy being the building of miniature steam engines and other mechanical toys. He has always been an enthusiastic worker at his profession, and the patent office records bear evidence of the results of his work. His greatest success was, however, in directing and managing the mechanical and selling departments of the Westinghouse Electric company. Mr. Byllesby is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.
In 1882 he married a daughter of H. P. Baldwin, general passenger agent of the Central Railroad of New Jersey.
Mr. Byllesby is a man of fine physique, splendid business judgment, rare tact and has already made hosts of friends in St. Paul. The Northwest Thomson-Houston Electric company is to be congratulated on its good for tune in having Mr. Byllesby at its head.