Publication: The Logansport Semi-Weekly Reporter
Logansport, IN, United States
vol. 44, no. 20, p. 3, col. 6
Rich Young Woman Who Eloped With
a Roller Polo Player.
Muncie, Ind., December, 7. — After Mrs. Sue Hemingray Cusick-Scott, prominent in society and a member of the well known Hemingray family had testified Saturday to the alleged cruel treatment of her young husband, Robert A. Scott, a divorce was granted with the custody of her child, two years old. The young wife accused her husband of spending most of his time gambling and drinking, and said that he is now attending a race meeting in California. He is the son of a wealthy Muncie merchant. Mrs. Scott attracted much attention a few years ago when, as Sue Hemingray, rich in her own right, and an heiress, she eloped with Davy Cusick, a roller polo player. The two lived together a short time and she obtained a divorce.