Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
Glass Manufacturer and Bride
Royally Entertained Their
Late Visitors
Every player under the direction of Bandmaster Joel Hoyt was sending his maximum volume into his respective instrument in rendering a familiar air, as a chivalrous crowd of friends swept down on the residence of R. G. Hemingray, 411 East Gilbert street, at about midnight, to extend Mr. and Mrs. Hemingray a serenade of welcome home from their honeymoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hemingray were entertaining a company of friends at the time and it was almost two minutes before they the situation. Mr. Hemingray hastened to the porch and with outstretched hand warmly received his friends.
"Every one of you fellows must come into the house and be my guests," was the invitation of the well known glass manufacturer. Mr. Hemingray instructed the band to put forth its best efforts to raise the roof from the house and the musicians almost took him at his word. For several hours merriment reigned and Mr. Hemingray royally entertained the visitors. Several addresses were given by the guests and both Mr. and Mrs. Hemingray responded with words of thanks. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Hemingray assisting in seeing to it that all were provided with luncheon. The newly married couple was presented with a beautiful token of friendship and appreciation in the form of chrysanthemums.
Those who arranged the serenade were Messrs. N. L. R. Sawyer, L. W. Cates, Ray Andrews, F. L. Wachtell, R. M. Carlisle, Walter O. Sawyer, Paul Richey, H. H. Wolf, Charles O. Sawyer, William H. Church, Charles Gwinnup, P. P. Busch, R. W. Williams, Charles G. Foreman, Seldon D. Maddux, Norwood Carnes, Herbert Johnston and Herbert Maddy.