Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
Former Leaders of Association
and Others Manifest Great
Interest in Movement.
The board of directors of the May Music festival having been informed that there is a strong desire among all classes of musicians of that preparations be made now for another festival next May and that many are desirous of enrolling in a large chorus to start immediately with the work to be performed, had decided to call a mass meeting of all those interested for next Wednesday evening in the auditorium of the public library at 8 o'clock. Frank C. Ball, president; Leonard Paris, vice president; R. Cameron Drummond, secretary; and Ralph Hemingray, one of the directors, and forming a quorum for the transaction of business will probably be present.
All the former members of the chorus are asked to be present and new members will be asked to enroll at the meeting. The election of officers will be held and the director of music will be appointed at that meeting. The music committee will also be elected and any other business that might come before the meeting will be attended to.
Dr. H. D. Fair has been hard at work for the last two weeks, obtaining the signatures of all those who are in favor of the festival and he reports that he has now over 150 signatures. The greatest harmony seems to prevail and every one is anxious to see a repetition of the success of the first festival.