Publication: The Muncie Morning Star
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 30, no. 253, p. 1, col. 3-4
Nearly a Thousand Workmen
Went Back to Their Places
Yesterday Morning.
Orders Coming Fast and
Employers Optimistic.
While Muncie is in the midst of a great industrial upheavel [sic] upheaval and during the time when the city nets in the hands of the Indiana National Guard and a reign of lawlessness and riot but a few hours past, the attention of not many outside of those concerned, has been called to the fact that four Muncie factories have resumed operations after a short time of the uncalled "financial stringency." It is a certainty that if the present street car strike had not disrupted affairs in Muncie the city would have about resumed her natural and normal state, as far as labor and commerce are concerned.
Beginning this morning Kitselsman Brothers' Industries — the Kitselman wire fence manufactory in South Council street, and the Indiana Wire company's plant in Boyceton — will have four hundred men on their payrolls drawing their salaries every week as of old. The Boyceton plant will operate both day and night shifts. The Council street plant will operate almost in full and the officers of the company stated last night that it would have every one of its employes at work in a very few days.
By the end of this week the Republic Iron and Steel company's plant will have 400 employes at work. With the exception of the finishing department, which has to wait until it receives the unfinished product, all the employes of the Republic's local factory went back yesterday.
The Whiteley Malleable Casting company's plant also started yesterday. By the first of next week 150 men will be at work here. The remainder of the employes will go back to work steadily and this industry will operate in full very shortly.
One hundred and forty men went to work at the factory of the Muncie Wheel and Jobbing company after a short lay-off.
The Broderick & Quinlan boiler factory, one of the city's best commercial industries, is employing 110 workmen. This is not quite the full force but but assurance has been given by the management that the full force will be at work in a short time.
The Hemingray Glass company is adding a few men every few days to the force at its factory. The Warner Gear company's management said last night that the full force would be working at its factory within thirty days. One hundred and thirty men are employed at the present time in the Warner concern.
Thus it is at almost every Muncie manufactory which is either not operating or working with a diminished number of employes. Things are getting brighter daily. Orders are coming in in considerable numbers, owing to the fact that scarcely any arrived for several weeks. The needs of eighty millions of people are becoming evident and reluctance on the part of retail and wholesale merchants in giving orders for goods is not of that alarming nature that it was some time ago.