[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 38, no. 24, p. 495,499, col. 1,3
Notes of Exhibits, Exhibitors, and
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H. W. Johns-Manville Company. Exhibits at the Atlantic City Convention. |
The H. W. Johns-Manville Company was well represented with a complete line of Noark National Electrical Code standard enclosed fuses and fittings. This exhibit deserves special mention, on account of the number of new devices shown of the National Electrical Code standard type, which included several forms of service and subway boxes for 250 and 600-volt circuits. Another feature which attracted considerable attention was a line of high-tension porcelain insulators for transmission lines of 80,000 volts and less, and several special forms of giant strain insulators for circuits of 10,000 volts, and less. Other products of the company shown were Transite asbestos fireproof doors for sub-station work and other similar purposes, and Niagrite fireproof cable insulation for insulating cables. The company distributed a match safe and ash-tray souvenir, designed in the form of National Electrical Code standard enclosed fuse plug, made of porcelain and bronze. The following representatives were present: J. W. Perry, manager electrical department, New York; G. G. Meek of the New York office; C. N. Manfred, manager advertising department, New York; D. T. Dickson and H. M. Voorhes of the Philadelphia office; A. D. Newton of the Boston office. E. B. Hatch, president, and R. S. Cole, electrical engineer, of the Johns-Pratt Company were also in attendance.