Business Review of 1905, Colonial Sign & Insulator suffered due to price cutting

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Western Electrician

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 38, no. 1, p. 21, col. 1



That 1905 was a prosperous year for the electrical and allied interests of the United States is amply shown by the following expressions of opinion on the subject. Without a dissenting voice, all the authorities agree that the business of the year was large in volume and satisfactory in character. The outlook for 1906 is considered equally bright. It is therefore a pleasure to lay the following symposium before the readers of the Western Electrician.







Colonial Sign and Insulator Company, Akron, Ohio (C. R. Quine, secretary): While the year's business on the whole has been quite satisfactory, we suffered together with the other electrical porcelain manufacturers from ruinous price-cutting on standard goods. It is to be regretted that the manufacturers and jobbers did not stand together and maintain their organization. This association could have resulted in permanent benefit to all concerned. Our sign-letter department has enjoyed a very good year. Central-station managers in even the smaller towns are awakening to the opportunity for increased profit to be derived from having electric signs on their circuits and are making active campaigns for sign business. Electric signs are no longer considered a luxury or a novelty by advertisers, but as much a necessity as attractive show windows or newspaper advertising. A feature of the year's sign business is that the first cost of a sign is no longer the most important consideration. The purchaser insists upon durability, safety and economy of operation rather than low first cost. Many cities are modifying their city ordinances so that electric signs may be hung over the sidewalk. The authorities are willing to do this on account of the benefit the city received from the light. The year 2905 was one of the best we have had and there is every indication that 1906 will be a banner year for the electric sign and the porcelain business in general.




Keywords:Colonial Sign & Insulator Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:March 18, 2009 by: Bob Stahr;