[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Electrician
New York, NY, United States
vol. 13, no. 11, p. 561-563, col. 1-3
Awards at the Pan-American Exposition.
The Juries of Award at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, have completed their labors, and while the official list of awards has not been made public an unofficial list has been given out, from which we have selected the subjoined list giving the awards which are of most interest to our readers. It may be interesting to note that the total number of exhibits examined by the various Juries aggregated 7000, and that 150 persons served upon the juries under the general direction of Dr. Henry S. Pritchard, superintendent of awards. The detail work of the various juries was passed upon by a superior jury of about 40 members, who determined finally and without appeal the order of merit of the awards. It is to be regretted that several of the largest and best-known manufacturers in the country did not compete for awards, requesting that in considering this question their exhibits should be ignored; this fact should be borne in mind by readers finding the names of prominent companies "conspicuous by their absence" from the list. The awards relating to electrical and steam engineering and allied industries were as follows:
John Birkenbine, chairman; Juan D. Fleury, J. A. Holmes, Jefferson Middleton, Heinrich Ries and Gulllermo Yunge.
Gold Medals. American Steel & Wire Company, steel and finished steel products.
Edward G. Acheson, Niagara Falls, N. Y., artificial graphite and carborundum.
Calumet & Hecla Mining Company, Buffalo, N. Y., cast copper.
Lidgerwood Manufacturing Company, New York, hoisting and mining engines.
Norton Emery Wheel Company, Worcester, Mass., corundum wheels.
Niagara Falls Power Company, Niagara Falls, products made with electric current.
Silver Medals. Baker & Co., Newark, N. J., platinum products.
H. W. Johns Manufacturing Company, New York, exhibit showing evolution of asbestos.
Mine & Smelter Supply Company, Denver, Colo., electric rock drill.
Bronze Medals. Granby Mining & Smelting Company, Oronogo, Mo., zinc concentrates.
McKenna Brothers, Pittsburg, Pa., laboratory ore grinder.
New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y., slate.
Rich Hill Zinc Works, Rich Hill, Mo., zinc products.
St. Joseph Lead Company, Bonne Terre, Mo., lead and lead ores.
Sills-Eddy Mica Company, New York, samples of mica mined in the United States.
Royal Blue Mines, Joplin, Mo., zinc and lead ores.
Union Mining Company, Mt. Savage, Md., fire brick.
Honorable Mention Metallic Lubricating Oil Company, Millersburg, Pa., machine oil.
Peach Bottom Slate Company, Delta, Pa., slate.
Ira N. Hollls, chairman; Luis de Arozarena, Wm. L. Aughinbaugh, Prof. R. C. Carpenter, Mortimer E. Cooley, E. G. Fischer, Chas. T. Higginbotham, Emique Lanz, Prof. C. H. Peabody, Perry Benjamin Pierce, H. W. Spangler and Frederick A. Tennant.
Gold Medals. J. L. Alberger & Son, Buffalo, N. Y., tandem gas engine.
American Steam Gauge & Valve Company, Boston, Mass., steam gauges and engine fittings.
American Steel & Wire Company, Chicago, dies for drawing wire.
Buffalo (N. Y.) Forge Company, steam engines and blowers.
The Carborundum Company, Niagara Falls, carborundum.
Cleveland (Ohio) Twist Drill Company, drills, reamers and cutters.
Forster Pulley Works, Fairport, N. Y., split wood pulleys.
Perracute Machine Company, Bridgeton, N. J., stamping machinery.
Jenkins Brothers, New York, valves and packing.
The Lunkenheimer Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, valves and engine fittings.
Lazier Gas Engine Company, Buffalo, N. Y., gas engines.
Marinette (Wis.) Iron Works Manufacturing Company, gas engines.
August Mietz, New York, kerosene oil engines.
Morse Twist Drill & Machine Company, New Bedford, Mass., machine tools.
National Meter Company, New York, gas engines.
Otto Gas Engine Works, Philadelphia, Pa., gas engines.
Robins Conveying Belt Company, New York, belt conveyor.
Rodney Hunt Machine Company, Orange, Mass., water wheels and pumps.
Reeves Pulley Company, Columbus, Ind., variable speed transmission.
John A. Roebling's Sons Company, Trenton, N. J., wire and wire rope.
Rider-Ericsson Engine Company, New York,. hot air engine.
The Straight Line Engine. Company, Syracuse, N. Y., steam engines.
Chas. A. Schieren & Co., New York, leather belting.
Struthers, Wells & Co., Warren, Pa., gas engines.
The O. C. White Company, Worcester, Mass., appliances for shop lighting.
Western Tube Company, Kewanee, Ill., valves and cocks.
Henry R. Worthington, New York, jet condenser.
Walworth Manufacturing Company, Boston, Mass., valves, fittings and tools.
Silver Medals. American Steel & Wire Company, cold drawn shafting.
American Blower Company, Detroit, Mich., fans and blowers.
Ames Iron Works, Oswego, N. Y., steam engines.
American Pulley Company, Philadelphia, Pa., pulleys.
Ball Engine Company, Erie Pa., steam engines.
Bessemer Gas Engine Company, Globe City, Pa., two-cycle gas engine.
Buffalo (N. Y.) Gasoline Motor Works, gasoline engine.
Burt Manufacturing Company, Akron, Ohio, Cross oil filters.
E. W. Bliss Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., sheet metal stamping and drawing machines.
Belmer-Bames Tool Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, planers.
A. S. Cameron Pump Works, New York, steam and air pumps.
Dodge Manufacturing Company, Mishawaka, Ind., Iron and wood split pulleys.
The Deane Steam Pump Company, Holyoke, Mass., condensers and pumps.
Eddy Valve Company, Watertord, N. Y., gate valves.
Fulton (N. Y.) Pulley Company, wood pulleys.
Fitchburg (Mass.) Steam Engine Company, engine.
The Foos Manufacturing Company, Springfield, Ohio., gas and gasoline engines.
The Fairbanks Company, Buffalo, N. Y., steam valves.
The Green Fuel Economizer Company, Matteawan, N. Y., fuel economizer.
Jenkins Brothers, New York, pump valves and disc.
Kieley & Mueller, New York, steam specialties.
The Lane & Bodley Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, Corliss engines.
New York Leather Belting Company, Victor leather belting.
The Wm. Powell Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, oil cups and valves.
Reeves Pulley Company, Columbus, Ind., split wood pulleys.
Taber Pump Company, Buffalo, N. T., rotary pumps.
J. H. Williams Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., drop-forged wrenches.
Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Company, New York, Admiralty surface condenser with combined air and circulating pump.
Weber Gas & Gasoline Engine Company, Kansas City, Mo., gas and gasoline engines.
Bronze Medals.~ Abendroth & Root Manufacturing Company, New York, water-tube boilers.
American Blower Company, Detroit, Mich., blower engine.
The American Pulley Company, Philadelphia, Pa., split wrought-steel pulley.
Atlas Pipe Wrench Company, New York and San Francisco, pipe wrenches and boiler tube cleaners.
Cyclone Grate Bar Company, Buffalo, N. Y., grate bars.
Chicago (Ill.) Belting Company, Reliance leather belting.
Dodge Manufacturing Company, Mishawaka, Ind., friction clutches.
The Garlock Packing Company, Palmyra, N. Y., packing.
Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Philadelphia, Pa., Cochrane steam and oil separator, and drainage system for vacuum oil separator.
Jacobson Machine Manufacturing Company, Warren, Pa., clutch pulley.
Robert A. Keasbey, Buffalo, N. Y., magnesia covering.
Knowles Steam Pump Works, New York, triplex electric pump.
Murray Iron Works, Burlington; Iowa, Corliss engines.
Nemes Brothers, Troy, N. Y., shaking grate.
The National Pipe Bending Company, New Haven, Conn., colls of iron, brass and copper pipe.
Oneida (N. Y.) Steel Pulley Company, steel pulleys.
The Replogle Governor Works, Akron, Ohio, water-wheel governors.
Sherwood Manufacturing Company, Buffalo, N. Y., injectors and boiler-tube cleaners.
Skinner Engine Company, Erie, Pa., engines.
The Snow Steam Pump Works, Buffalo, N. Y., pumps.
Underfeed Stoker Company of America, Chicago, Jones mechanical stoker.
Watertown Engine Company, Watertown, N. Y., Corliss. engines.
Honorable Mention. American District Steam Company, Lockport, N. Y., underground system of heating.
Cling-Surface Manufacturing Company, Buffalo, N. Y., belt dressing.
Dodge Manufacturing Company, Mishawaka, Ind., iron-hub wood-rim pulleys.
Harrison Safety Boiler Works, Philadelphia, Pa., Cochrane feed water heater and purifier.
The Kennedy Valve Company, New York, Iron and brass valves.
South Bend (Ind.) Pulley Company, split wood pulleys with iron hubs.
Vincent Valve Company, Sandusky, Ohio. globe and gate valves.
Carl Hering, chairman; Arthur Vaughn Abbott. Prof. H. S. Carhart, Prof. W. S. Franklin, Prof. W. E. Goldsborough, Prof. Dugald C. Jackson, Dr. A. E. Kennelly and Prof. Wm. L. Putter.
Gold Medals. American Steel & Wire Company, Chicago, wires and cables.
Belding Brothers, New York, electrical silk.
P. B. Delany, South Orange, N. J., rapid telegraph apparatus.
General Electric Company, generating and translating apparatus, lighting apparatus and measuring instruments.
Holophane Glass Company, New York, glass globes.
Eldridge R. Johnson, Camden, N. J., mechanical apparatus for reproducing sound.
Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Company, Chicago, telephone apparatus.
National Carbon Company, Cleveland, Ohio, carbon products.
Niagara Falls (N. Y.) Power Company, transmission plant illustrated by model.
Pittsburgh Reduction Company, Pittsburg, Pa., aluminum conductors.
John A. Roebling's Sons Company, Trenton, N. J., wires and cables.
The Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Company, New York, wires and cables.
Standard Underground Cable Company, Pittsburg, Pa., wires and cables.
Stanley Electric Manufacturing Company, Pittsfleld, Mass., alternating-current apparatus.
Stanley Instrument Company, Great Barrington. Mass., wattmeters.
Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Manufacturing Company, Chicago, telephone exhibit and service.
Silver Medals. The American Clock Company, Chicago, electric clocks.
American Vitrified Conduit Company, New York, vitrified clay conduits.
The E. G. Bernard Company, Troy, N. Y., motor-generator sets and accessories.
Bullock Electric Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati. Ohio. dynamos and motors.
H. B. Camp Company, Akron Ohio, vitrified conduits.
Crocker-Wheeler Company, Ampere, N. J., dynamos and motors.
Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, WIs., motor starters and controllers.
D. & W. Fuse Company, Providence, R. I., fuses and fuse fittings.
Edison Manufacturing Company, Orange, N. J., phonographs and Edison-Lalande battery.
Electric Storage Battery Company, Philadelphia, Pa., storage batteries and methods and appliances for the distribution of electric energy.
Eureka Tempered Copper Works, North East, Pa., tempered and cast copper.
Gould Storage Battery Company, New York, storage battery.
Hazard Manufacturing Company, Wilkesbarre. Pa., insulated wire and cables.
Hydra Double Battery Co., New York, dry battery.
Illuminating Appliance Co., New York, prismatic reflectors.
McRoy Clay Works, Brazil, Ind., vitrified conduits.
National Gramophone Corporation, New York, gramophones.
Northern Electrical Manufacturing Company, Madison, Wis., direct-current dynamos and motors.
Queen & Co., Philadelphia, self-regulating X-ray tube.
Stanley Electric Manufacturing Company, Pittsfleld, Mass., measuring instruments.
R. V. Wagner Electric Manufacturing Company, Chicago, mica plate Holtz machine.
Wagner Electric Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, single-phase motors and transformers.
Bronze Medals. American Electric Telephone Company, Chicago, telephone apparatus.
American Engine Company, Bound Brook, N. J., direct-current dynamos.
Lieut. G. Bettini, New York, phonographic apparatus.
Bossert Electric Construction Company, Utica, N. Y., switches.
Harold P. Brown, New York, plastic amalgam joints.
Clark Automatic Telephone & Switchboard Company, Providence, R. I., automatic telephone switchboard.
The Dicke Tool Company, Downers Grove, Ill., electric wiremen's tools.
Incand. Elec. Light Manipulator Company, Boston, Mass., lamp manipulator and attachments.
The Jandus Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio, enclosed arc lamp.
Jantz & Leist, Cincinnati, Ohio, electroplating dynamos and driving motor.
Keystone Electric Company, Erie, Pa., direct-current generator.
P. M. Lincoln, Niagara Falls, N. Y., phase indicator.
Mason Monogram Company, New York, illuminated sign.
Morris Electric Company, New York, Morris rail bond and hydraulic splicing machine.
National Carbon Company, Clevland, Ohio, primary cells.
Onondago Dynamo Company, Syracuse, N. Y., direct-connected dynamo and electric motors.
Peru Electric Manufacturing Company, Peru, Ind., porcelain insulating devices.
Porter Battery Company, Chicago, storage batteries.
Pyle National Electric Headlight Company, Chicago, electric headlight.
William Roche, New York, dry cells.
Standard Paint Co., New York, P. & B. tape. Insulating compound and armature field coil varnish.
Submerged Electric Motor Co., Menominee, Wis., submerged electric motor and propeller.
C. J. Toerring Company, Philadelphia, arc lamps.
Waite & Bartlett Manufacturing Company, New York City, X-ray apparatus.
Wilhelm Telephone Manufacturing Company, Buffalo, telephone apparatus.
Honorable Mention. American Watchman's Time Detector Company, New York, watchman's time detector.
Arnold Electric Power Station Company, Chicago, power station system and clutches, illustrated by models.
Charles J. Bogue, New York City, electric searchlight.
The Buckeye Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio, incandescent lamps.
Chicago Fuse, Wire & Manufacturing Company, Chicago, fuse, wires and links.
D'Olier Engineering Company, Philadelphia switchboard.
Edison Manufacturing Company, Orange, N. J., battery fan motor.
Alvah W. Hall, New York City, automatic advertiser.
The Jandus Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio, electric fan motor.
Lea Electric Manufacturing Company, Elwood, Ind., enclosed arc lamp.
E. B. Meyrowltz, New York, eye magnet.
Parsell & Weed, New York, model dynamo.
The Robbins & Myers Company, Springfield Ohio, dynamos and motors.
C. B. Rowell, Buffalo, static electric machines.
F. B. Sage & Brother, New York, direct-reading ohmmeter.
Sprague Electric Company, New York, electric motors.
Stow Manufacturing Company, Binghamton, N. Y., multi-speed motor and flexible shaft.
The O. C. White Company, Worcester, Mass., adjustable lamp arm.
H. G. Prout, chairman; Arthur V. Abbott, William Aughinbaugh, Albert C. Bostwick, Prof. R. C. Carpenter, J. M. Carson, Jr., Frederick A. Delano, David Porter Heap, C. H. McLellan, Henry M. Paul, Prof. C. H. Peabody, Prof. Geo. D. Shepardson, Ambrose Swasey and J. Elfreth Watkins.
Gold Medals. Automobile Company of America, New York, automobiles.
J. G. Brill Company, Philadelphia, cars and trucks.
Consolidated Railway, Electric Lighting & Equipment Company, New York, car-lighting system.
De Dion-Bouton Motorette Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., automobiles.
Electric Vehicle Company, New York, automobiles.
General Electric Company, traction apparatus.
Gas Engine & Power Company, and Chas. L. Seabury & Co., Morris Heights, N. Y., launches and engines.
Gould Coupler Company, Depew, N. Y., car-lighting system.
Howard Iron Works, Buffalo, N. Y., elevators.
Locomobile Company of America, New York, automobiles.
Lidgerwood Manufacturing Company, New York, electric ship's winch.
Mobile Company of America,; Tarrytown, N. Y., automobiles.
John A. Roebllng's Sons Company, Trenton, N. J., general exhibit in Transportation Building.
The Safety Car Heating & Lighting Company, New York, lighting system for cars and buoys.
The Union Switch & Signal Company, Swissvllle, Pa., block signal and interlocking apparatus.
Silver Medals. Bierbaum & Merrick Metal Company, Buffalo, N. Y., Ideal trolley wheel.
Consolidated Car Heating Company, Albany, N. Y., car-heating apparatus.
Gold Car Heater Company, New York, car-heating apparatus.
Gould Coupler Company, Depew, N. Y., car coupler and platforms
Haynes-Apperson Company, Kokomo, Ind., automobile.
McGuire Manufacturing Company, Chicago, car trucks and appliances, and track sweeper.
Michigan Yacht & Power Company, Detroit, Mich., launch and gasoline engine.
New York Air Brake Company, New York, air brakes.
Overman Automobile Company, New York.
Woods Motor Vehicle Company, Chicago.
Bronze Medals. Continuous Rail Joint Company of America, Newark, N. J., rail joints.
Chisholm & Moore Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, rail joints.
Electric Vehicle Company, New York, gasoline vehicle.
The Kidder Motor Vehicle Company, New Haven, Conn., motor vehicle.
E. R. Thomas Motor Company, Buffalo, N. Y., automobiles.
Weber Railway Joint Manufacturing Company, New York, rail joints.
Honorable Mention. American Motor Company, New York,, launch and motor.
Buffalo (N. Y.) Electric Carriage Company, automobiles.
Morris Electric Company, New York, wheel-truing brake shoe.
Palmer Brothers, Mianus, Conn., gasoline engines and launches.
Steams Steam Carriage Company, Syracuse, N, Y., automobile.
Edmund A. Engler, chairman; William L. Aughinbaugh, Marcus Benjamin, Morris Benson, A. H. Bottum, J. M. Carson, Jr., John L. Choyer, F. W. Clarke, George Colt, Stanley T. Cozzens, John G. Eppendorff, Alberto Falcon, M. L. Floyd, David Porter Heap, W. H. Holmes, John R. Kendrick, F. P. Machado, Edward S. More, Henry M. Paul, Frank H. Peabody, G. G. Pond, W. de C. Ravenel, John K. Rees, Edward Rovinson, Jose A. Saenz, Carlos Sellerier, George D. Shepardson, John Strootman, Ambrose Swansey, Evaldo Tirado, Juan P. Tomas, Chas. H. Turner, Harry Walbridge, Mrs. Lester Wheeler and Miss Hauenstein.
Gold Medals. American Steel & Wire Company, Chicago, nails and springs.
Berry Brothers, Ltd., Detroit, Mich,, varnishes.
The Pantasote Leather Company, New York, imitation leather.
The Pittsburg Reduction Company, Pittsburg. Pa., aluminum.
The Standard Paint Company, New York, Ruberoid roofing and flooring.
J. H. Williams & Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., drop forgings.
Silver Medals. Columbia Typewriter Manufacturing Company, New York, typewriters.
Cassidy & Son Manufacturing Company, New York, electric fixtures.
I. P. Frink, New York, reflectors.
Ohio Tool Company, Columbus, Ohio, mechanics' tools.
Pratt & Letchworth Company, Buffalo, N. Y., malleable iron and steel castings.
The Standard Paint Company, New York, paints and varnishes.
The O. C. White Company, Worcester, Mass., adjustable electrical fixtures.
Bronze Medals. The Blickensderfer Typewriter Manufacturing Company, Stamford, Conn., electrical typewriter.
Cosmopolitan Range Company, New York, electric broiler and oven.
Norton Emery Wheel Company, Worcester, Mass., oilstones.
W. C. Vosburgh Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Brooklyn, electric fixtures.
Honorable Mention. Jenkins Brothers, New York, electromagnetic lamp holder.
In addition to the awards for individual exhibits, medals were also presented for excellence of exhibit installations. The medals awarded on this score to exhibitors whose apparatus comes within the scope of this paper were as follows:
Gold Medal. Edison Manufacturing Company, Orange, N. J.
Silver Medal. General Electric Company.
Bronze Medal. Safety Insulated Wire & Cable Company.
Honorable Mention. American Electric Telephone Company; Buckeye Electric Company and Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Company.
Theodore Low De Vinne, chairman; Marcus Benjamin, Julio Perez Canto, Stephen J. Kubel, D. B. Wainwright.
Silver Medal. Jantz & Leist Electric Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, electrotyper's motor-generator.
Honorable Mention. Charles J. Bogue, New York, photo-engraving lamp.
The Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Company, Milwaukee, Wis., printing-press electric controller.
Thomas A. Edison, Orange, N. J., numbering machine.
New England Motor Company, Lowell, Mass., compound motor, type M. E.
Exhibitors Hors Concours.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.; president of Institute, chairman of superior jury.
Gold Medals. Keuffel & Esser Company New York, surveying instruments and drawing materials.
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., students work, showing educational methods and results.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y., students' work, showing educational methods and results.
John A. Roebling's Sons Company, Trenton, N. J., bridge engineering.
McGraw Publishing Company, New York, American Electrician, Electrical World and Engineer, Street Railway Journal, technical books, etc.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass., students' work, showing educational methods and results.
Silver Medal. The Western Electrician, Chicago, Ill., publication. The Western Electrician.
Bronze Medal. International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa., photographs, courses of study, pupils' work.