[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 3, no. 18, p. 7, col. 3
The B. & O. Telegraph Appointments.
It is stated that Mr. A. B. Chandler, of Cleveland, Ohio, who was tendered the position of manager of the B. & O. telegraph, upon the retirement of Mr. George P. Frick, the present manager, on January 1, has reconsidered his acceptance and declined the position. Mr. Chandler in his present position is very comfortably located, and receives a liberal salary, and after careful thought concluded to decline the proposed change. The appointment will now be made direct from the office, and Mr. Robert Stewart, the present superintendent, is to be promoted to the managership, and Mr. J. B. Stewart, the electrician, will be promoted to the superintendency, retaining his old position as electrician with an increase of salary.
The latter gentleman is one of the best electricians in the country. Until the late strike he was electrician for the entire Western Union Telegraph system; but when the late strikes of telegraph operators occurred he resigned his position with the Western Union Company, and at the solicitation of Superintendent Stewart accepted a similar position with the B. & O. The official announcement of the appointments will be made Monday.