[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 3, no. 22, p. 10, col. 4
D. H. Bates, the new President and General Manager of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company, said yesterday: "You can deny, in unqualified terms, the report that I accepted this position in the interest of the Western Union Telegraph Company. My appointment as President of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph has no significance whatever so far as the Western Union is concerned." A report was current that Mr. Bates, who has been for so many years Gen. Eckert's intimate friend and assistant, had merely gone from the employ of the Western Union to that of the Baltimore and Ohio for the purpose of bringing the two corporations into a closer relationship. Mr. Bates was very emphatic in his assurances that he had cast his lot with the Baltimore and Ohio for good, and that the last named company was "in the telegraph business on its own hook, and very much in earnest."