[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Operator and Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 14, no. 16, p. 243, col. 3
A Change in the Postal Telegraph Company.
It is said that a change is about to be made in the Postal Telegraph Company, which will, it is claimed, contribute largely to the success of its plans. The change of base of the affairs of the company ia caused by the sale of the stock owned by Mr. John B. Alley, of Boston. Mr. Alley owned a controlling interest in the company, and has always evinced a great interest in its affairs, but being advised lately by his physicians to give up all active business, decided to sell his stock, which has been purchased by a syndicate of capitalists of New York and Boston. Their names have not been made known as yet, as the negotiations have not been fully completed. Vice-President Henry Cummings says that he does not think that there will be a change in the executive officers of the company, except in that held by Mr. Alley, although a new board of directors will probably be chosen. "With the new administration, Mr. Cummings says that additional lines will be put up immediately in all the larger cities of the United States. The capitalists who had taken hold of the matter, he adds, are men whose sole interest was for the welfare of the Postal Telegraph Company.