[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 2, no. 16, p. 264, col. 3
ANOTHER INSULATOR. — The Detroit Evening News says that J. W. Tringham, manager of the Windsor Telephone Exchange, has devised an improvement in the construction of telephone lines. The improvement consists of insulators, which do away with the glass cups entirely. They are made of common hard wood and are of the same size as the side blocks and cross-arm pins now in use. A groove about one-eighth of an inch wide and two or three inches deep is made in the lower end of the blocks, or pins. Into this groove the wire is placed and is insulated by having a piece of thin rubber, two inches square, laid over it. The wire is held in place by a screw which closes the ends of the grooves, and it is held in place as securely as if fastened in a vise, the rubber keeping it from coming in contact with the wood. This constitutes the whole improvement, and while costing only one eighth as much as the insulators now used, the clearness and distinctness that result in the use of the telephone are said to be wonderful.