[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Electrician
New York, NY, United States
vol. 15, no. 2, p. 112, col. 1-3
The accompanying illustrations show a number of "Norbitt" porcelain electric specialties brought out by the Crouse-Hinds Electric Company, of Syracuse, N. Y. The temporary socket shown by Fig. 16 can be used for decorative purposes with standard lamps and standard stranded wire. The
Fig. 16. — Temporary Socket. |
electrical connections are made without removing or affecting the insulation of the wire. The socket is easily and quickly installed before or after the wires are in place, and is practically weatherproof. The adjustability of the appliance permits the use of any size of conductor from No. 14 to No. 4. The electrical and mechanical construction is most substantial and the socket is used on 250-volt Circuits in multiple or on 600-volt circuits in series. The illustration
Fig. 17. — Fuseless Fixture Cap. |
shows the actual size of the socket. The fuseless cord rosette for moulding is made in two pieces, a cap and base, shown by F'igs. 17 and 18 respectively. The base is fastened to the moulding with one screw, which passes through the center. The initial electrical connection to the circuit wires
Fig. 18. — Base. |
is easily and securely made by means of two binding screws on the top surface of the base. The cap is permanently secured to the base by two screws which serve the double purpose of fastening the cap in place and completing the electrical connections. These two screws are so constructed that it is
Fig. 19. — Conduit Fixture. |
impossible for them to drop out during installation. The cap covers the base completely and is placed in position only after all other work is completed; the base being installed while the rough work is in progress. The flexible lamp cord is attached directly to the clips in the rosette cap and not to the base, thus rendering it possible to prepare flexible, cord drops complete at workshop for installation at the convenience of wiremen, and also allowing for necessary repairs to drops without disconnecting the line. A square cut in the cap of the moulding is all that is required when installing the rosette. The conduit fixture is shown by Fig. 19. This is an entirely new departure in conduit work and embodies all of the enclosed contact features of the fuseless fixture rosette for moulding. The fixture is not electrically connected in any way to the conduit system. The fixture is screwed into the brass bushing in the cap, the wires being attached to clips in the rosette cap and not to the base. The threaded cap permits the use of a goose-neck fixture. The weatherproof socket shown by Fig. 20 has the following special features: The lead wires are fastened to the contact parts in a new and approved manner without the use of solder, thus making it possible for the workman to easily repair, renew or alter
Fig. 20. — Weatherproof Socket. |
the length of lead wire. A special fixture cap is obtainable for making a bracket weatherproof socket for outdoor fixture use, and in using this special cap, all twisting off wire, heretofore experienced in similar appliances, when screwing sockets into bracket is avoided. The illustration shows the various parts of the appliance which is furnished only with a shade holder groove.