[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Electrician
New York, NY, United States
vol. 13, no. 8, p. 416,35, col. 1,1
The exhibits in the Electricity Building at the Pan-American Exposition are practically complete, although there still remains a little "straightening up" to be done in a few cases before the displays can be regarded as requiring no further improvement.
THE PERU ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING COMPANY, of Peru, Ind., has a very tastily arranged booth. The sides and back are formed of boards on which are mounted a complete array of samples of the extensive line of porcelain goods made by this company tor electrical purposes, including rosettes, plugs, sockets, receptacles, cut-outs, insulators and a line of knife switches which have porcelain handles and cross-pieces so that the entire switch has nothing but copper and porcelain in its make-up. The rear wall contains various forms of fuse-blocks, and samples of the company's 30,000-volt porcelain insulators. F. J. Setelle is in charge.
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Fig. 9. — Peru Electric Manufacturing Company's Exhibit. |