[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Electrician
New York, NY, United States
vol. 8, no. 7, p. 296, col. 1-2
Mr. F. M. Hawkins, late manager of New York office of the Electrical Engineering and Supply Company, Syracuse, N. Y., has accepted a position as general Eastern sales agent for Crouse-Hinds Electric Company, and Pass and Seymour, both of Syracuse, N. Y., with offices at 39 Cortlandt Street, N. Y. A full line of porcelain specialties and knife switches, etc., will be carried in this office. Mr. Hawkins has been with the Electric Engineering & Supply Company since its organization in 1889, occupying the above position for the past three years; previously he was in the Thomson-Houston Company. Mt. Hawkins is well known to the trade and is deservedly popular. The Crouse-Hinds Electric Company and Pass & Seymour are to be congratulated upon the acquisition to its forces of so capable and popular a man.