[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 5, no. 23, p. 5, col. 4
Luther G. Tillotson.
Luther G. Tillotson, a prominent merchant, died in his residence, No. 19 East Forty-ninth street, at 8:30 Saturday morning last. He was born in Ithaca, N. Y., March 1, 1834, and received there an English education. When about fifteen years old he went West with his father, the late Daniel T. Tillotson, a constructor of telegraph lines, where he learned telegraphy. After a year he returned East and entered the telegraph service of the Erie Railway Company, of which when 19 years old, he became superintendent. In this position he remained several years, adding to his duties those of a division superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Early in 1863 he began business in this city as a merchant in railway and telegraph supplies. The house was known as Tillotson & Co.
On November 1, 1865, Mr. Tillotson, with Gen. E. S. Greeley and Mr. W. H. Holt, founded the present house of L. G. Tillotson & Co. During the past twenty years Mr. Tillotson has been associated with all the most eminent men in railway and telegraph construction. His opinions were almost universally sought in enterprises of this character, and his co-operation very frequently solicited with offers of positions of trust and honor, which he generally declined because they would distract his attention from his main object — a successful mercantile career.