[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 7, no. 21, p. 3, col. 3
Detroit Electrical News.
Michigan is blessed with a fine telephone service, in charge of an affable and efficient manager. Mr. W. A. Jackson, whose office is on the second floor of the Newberry & McMillan building. The Telephone and Telegraph Construction Company has about 300 offices in the State, and employs some 1,200 people. It has an aggregate of about 13,000 miles of wire in operation — 4,000 miles of which extend between towns, and the balance in the various towns and cities. Detroit alone has about 2,000 miles of wire and 3,400 subscribers; in proportion to its population a larger number than any other city in the United States. The southern portion of the State is well supplied with the service and is connected with the metropolis. The service is found in the northern portion of the lower peninsular and also in the iron ore regions, which are connected with Marquette.
The Detroit Electrical Worts, at the corner of Seventh and Woodbridge streets, is an institution little known to the average citizen of Detroit, yet it is one of the important factors in the prosperity of the city. As the name implies, the works manufacture electrical instruments, which for beauty of finish will defy the skill of the most accomplished workman to better, and for diversity and ingenuity in construction are marvelous. Much complex machinery is employed and many skilled workmen. Among the many articles of common necessity turned out may be mentioned the universal electrical battery, which is a, beautiful instrument; a simple though the best fire-alarm box in the market; door-bell ringers, for which no battery is required; an improved burglar alarm, a special feature of which is that it cannot be set until every door and window in the house is closed ; an universal wall or table battery; the universal galvanic and Farradic battery, etc. Much work is also turned out for the Pullman Palace Car Company. It is a gratifying fact that the capacity of the company is taxed to its utmost, and that soon more room must be provided to meet the growing needs of the concern. Mr. Frank E. Fisher, the manager of the works, is a young man in every way qualified for the responsible position he occupies, and in Mr. W. H. McKinlock, the secretary, the verdict is "the right man in the right place."