[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 3, no. 3, p. 23, col. 1
THE MONTREAL TEL. Co. — The annual meeting of this company was held on the 10th inst. The report showed the revenue derived from the active or available assets to be $3,192.43; and the assets of the company $165,000. There was a surplus of available assets over liabilities of $31,042, and a surplus of inactive assets over liability of $151,823.85. Mr. Cassils, one of the Directors, reported the lines of the company to be in excellent condition. Sundry extensions of line had been made as called for by contracts existing between the Montreal Telegraph Company and various railway companies. Extensive improvements had been made in the offices at Toronto, Montreal and Quebec, at a cost to the Great Northwestern Company of $12,000. Mr. Cassils, being called upon to give a more detailed statement of the extensions of the company's lines, showed that a total of 360 miles had been added to the company's lines during 1883.