[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 3, no. 14, p. 116, col. 3
GLASS FOR ELECTRICAL PURPOSES. — The name of the New England Glass Works, Boston, has long been honorably connected with the art of glass-making in this country, and in the hands of W. L. Libbey & Son it has increased in reputation. The works have a large and growing business in connection with electrical applications. A full line is carried of electric-light globes, bulbs, battery jars, etc., and articles of any special design or quality are made to order. All the productions are of perfect make, whether their chief purpose be that of utility or that of ornament. The manufactory is situated at East Cambridge, Mass. The salesrooms are at 155 Franklin street, Boston, and 38 Park place, New York.