[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 8, no. 13, p. 157, col. 1-2
No "Cross-Talk" on His Line.
The following is clipped from the Milwaukee Sentinel of Sept. 11. It will be remembered that Mr. Hibbard, who has made long-distance telephoning a specialty, has become associated with the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, of this city, working to Philadelphia:
Last evening a party consisting of several of the local managers of the Wisconsin Telephone Company and employes of the Milwaukee office called at the residence of Mr. Charles Ray, where Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard are staying until their departure for New York next Monday. Among those present were the following local managers: Messrs. Stitch, of La Crosse; Gallagher, of Janesville; Stone, of Ripon; May, of Watertown, and Winship, of Racine; besides Messrs. Parker, McLeod, Knight, Lapham, Germain, Hyde, Yopps, Manning, Reilly, Gaulke and Russell, of the city office. That the presence of Mr. Hibbard might be assured, his wife had been notified of the event, but as she guarded the secret faithfully, her husband was taken completely by surprise. When a little maneuvering brought Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard into the same arched window where not many months before they had stood as bride and groom. Mr. George F. Stitch stepped forward, and in a very happy speech presented the parting testimonial, a handsome gold watch and chain, bearing on the outside a monogram containing the initials A. S. H., and on the inside the inscription:
A Testimonial from his Telephonic Associates to Supt. A. S. Hibbard. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 10, 1886.
After refreshments had been served Mr. McLeod read extracts from letters of numerous superintendents who were unable to be present, expressing regret that Mr. Hibbard was to leave them, but also pleasure that he had been selected, from the entire country, to fill the new and responsible position to which he had been called. One letter closed as follows : "May his lines of life be clear, unaffected by induction or troubles that may mar or break a perfect circuit, and when the last 'call' is made, may he hear the answer from the grand 'Central'; 'Well done!'"