[Trade Journal]
Publication: New York Review of the Telegraph and Telephone
New York, NY, United States
vol. 1, no. 1, p. 11, col. 3
Business Specials.
One of the foremost in the field of electric supplies stands the old-time and always reliable firm of L. G. Tillotson & Co. This firm is just now making a specialty of fine tools for every description of building and repair work, and keep in stock a large assortment of those articles not usually to be found in telegraph and telephone supply houses. Especially noticeable among these are their "pocket sets" of all varieties of tools, including improved screw-cutting tools, inspectors tools and screw drivers, large and small, ratchet and watchmakers', of a dozen different styles and patterns. If any of our friends are in need of articles in the tool line which they can find nowhere else, we advise them to step into Five and Seven Dey Street, and make their wants known. Persons unacquainted with the infinite multitude of articles required in these modern times, for the complete equipment of a standard electric supply house, will find Messrs. Tillotson & Co.'s catalogue an unique work of art, a study and an educational list, reflecting with perfect fidelity the present kaleidoscopic demand in the thousand branches of usefulness of that subtle and powerful agent, Electricity.