[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Industries
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 5, no. 3, p. 96-97, col. 1,2
The new illustrated catalogue of the Ohio Brass Company, of Mansfield, Ohio, reminds the electric railway managers that spring will soon be here, and that supplies will be needed in overhauling the line and track, and repairing the work of the frost and the winter traffic. The company make a specialty of construction material, line devices and car appliances, and in this catalogue has placed them before the trade. An extensive line of poles is listed with fittings, tops, brackets, arms, etc. In trolley wire appliances everything used seems to be included. Hangers of every style, pull overs, clamps, splices ears, switches, insulators, etc.; insulators and fittings for feeder lines are each illustrated in numerous styles. Trolley stands, wheels, harps, etc., rail bonds, and other track supplies are described. For the equipment of the car an extensive line of appliances are shown, including electric head lights, bracket and cluster lights, sockets, switches, brake handles, track brooms, and many new specialties. For power stations, electrical measuring instruments, gears, pinions, bearings, commentators, and station and track tools are described and illustrated. Although the company has not been brought directly in contact with buyers of street railway supplies, it has had a number of years of experience in the manufacture of these goods, having previously contracted its output to a western supply house. The catalogue shows a large line of goods manufactured of a quality which will compare with any on the market. Of convenient size, neat cover and well-arranged contents this catalogue will undoubtedly be the forerunner of an extensive trade.