[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Industries
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 6, no. 2, p. 58, col. 2
MR. FOREE BAIN, the well-known electrical engineer, especially in the south and west, has opened an office in suite 1657 to 1659 Monadnock Block, Chicago, and extends an invitaton to his friends and acquaintances to call upon him. He is making a specialty of designing machinery in which electricity is applied to new uses to hasten and cheapen the process of manufacture in the industrial arts. Having devoted a considerable attention to patent causes, he is meeting with success as an expert. Mr. Bain informs us that he is not connected with any manufacturiing company, and therefore his judgment and opinions are unbiased and free from any prejudice that might otherwise exist. He has our best wishes and that of his many friends for his success.