[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical Review
New York, NY, United States
vol. 13, no. 7, p. 7, col. 2
The Fisher Electric Railway
Successfully Started in San Jose, Cal.
The citizens of San Jose, Cal., are just now engaged congratulating themselves and inventor Frank E. Fisher, of Detroit, over the electric road now running in that city. The San Jose papers are filled with rejoicings over the advent of the electric road. The Mercury of that city contains the following, and the REVIEW most cheerfully endorses the kind words given Mr. Fisher, who is one of the worthy and capable young electricians of the country:
"This procession of cars attracted the attention of the people on the streets, and at the crossing where they stopped a large crowd assembled. There was a general congratulation among all classes of our citizens. Every one seemed to feel that the doubt and uncertainty was over, the road an established fact, and that" San Jose had the finest, best equipped and most extensive electric railway in the world. This feeling was expressed in the talk among the bystanders, the officers of the road were congratulated again and again, and when, after being photographed, the cars started off up Santa Clara street loaded with passengers, running easily, smoothly and swiftly, the sight was greeted with cheers from those who witnessed it. The cars have now begun to run regularly, and in a day or two the novelty for our citizens will be off, but to outsiders who visit us the road will long remain one of the principal features of the city.
"The success of the road has already had its effect, and though not 24 hours have passed away since the first regular run was made, there is already talk of laying other electric lines through the city, and a good prospect that some of them will be begun before this autumn gives way to the coming winter. Nor can it be doubted that other cities will adopt the system which has proven so successful here.
"While yesterday was a pleasant day for us, and a glad day for the directors of the road, it was in an especial manner a day of triumph for Frank Fisher. He has had more at stake than anyone. He is the inventor of the system, and his fortune has been largely dependent on the success or failure of the road in this city. He has had great difficulties to contend with of which the public know nothing. He has had not only to overlook the putting up of the electrical plant, but to superintend the construction of the road bed. He has not been without opposition from those who lacked confidence in him on account of his youth. There have been hindrances and obstructions which have occasioned delay after delay, until it seemed to many that the plant would never work, and even the most sanguine began to doubt. But through all the delay Mr. Fisher managed to retain the confidence of Messrs. Bishop & Rich and himself. He never doubted his ultimate success, and he never lost his temper. The success of his system is now beyond a doubt or peradventure, and his fortune is assured. He has shown himself not only a skillful electrician and thoroughly proficient in all parts of his profession, but a most courteous gentleman, whose genial nature has won for him here a host of friends."