[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 14, no. 8, p. 138, col. 2
39 Mallers Building, Chicago, Aug. 17, 1889.
The Fisher Electric Company, of Detroit, is a new addition to the electrical industries of the West. The company proposes to transact a general electrical business, dealing in supplies, contracting for the installation of arc and incandescent apparatus, manufacturing motors and a full line of house goods. The organizers and officers of the new company are as follows: President, Samuel R. Mumford; vice-president, C. H. Meday; secretary, Wm. E. Reilly; treasurer; Frank E. Fisher. The capital stock is $50,000. Of the gentlemen named Mr. Mumford is secretary and treasurer of the Michigan Savings Bank and also treasurer of the Edison Illuminating Company. He is one of the solid business men of Detroit. Mr. Meday is general superintendent of the Hammond & Standish Company, and is a shrewd and successful business man. Mr. Reilly is assistant cashier of the Merchants' & Manufacturers' Bank. Frank E. Fisher is well known as a talented electrician. His inventive ability and business capacity make him a valuable man. Hiram Marks, a thorough mechanic and electrician, has been secured as manager. The works of the concern will be located on Larned street west, between Second and Third streets, the company having leased the building 183,185 and 187 Larned west. It has three stories and a basement, and is 90 X 100 in dimensions. Fisher has just returned from an eastern trip, and expects to be able to fill all orders within the next three weeks.