[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 11, no. 26, p. 334, col. 3
48 Congress Street, Boston, June 25, 1888.
The Cambridge Electric Light Plant.
The building for the Cambridge Electric Light Company is to be located near the Charles River on Western avenue. It is to be a brick building 147 feet long by 60 feet wide; two stories over the dynamo room and one story over the boiler. The first floor of the dynamo room is to be devoted to engines and dynamos. The dynamo room is 80 feet long by 48 feet wide inside. The engines are one 250 h. p. Buckeye, belting to a shaft resting on the floor in the centre of the room, running eight Thomson-Houston dynamos. The remaining 500 b. p. will be divided into smaller engines of 100 h p. each, located in the centre of the room, belting each way to two dynamos each. These engines are to be Safety Power and Armington & Sims. The electrical apparatus is to be entirely Thomson-Houston apparatus. All of these engines will exhaust into a National heater of 1,000 h. p., and from them into a Worthington independent condenser of 1.000 h. p. There will be two batteries of boilers (four in a battery) of 125 h. p. each. These boilers are to be furnished by Edward Kendall & Sons. The station is located so near the Charles River that it will not only have water for condensing purposes but also have storage for 1,300 tons of coal, unloaded directly from the vessel two batteries of boilers. They are to have a brick stack of 800 with a track and small car, running from the coal bin between the h. p. capacity, being 150 feet high and octagonal in form. The Upper story of the dynamo room will be devoted to stock room, testing and sleeping rooms and offices. Lord Bros., of Somerville, have the contract for the building and stack, and the Jarvis Engineering Company will set the boilers and engines.