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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (category = 'Wire Holder') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 1 patents found where: Category is 'Wire Holder';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U Specimen known 2,466,083 April 5, 1949 Wire Holding Device
Metal strip with alternating slots or ribs to allow the insulated wire to be wrapped in and out of the slots or ribs to securely hold the wire without damaging the insulation covering. One end of the metal strip is fixed to allow it to hang at various angles needed to drop the wire to a building. Lou Hall has a pair of them that are stamped: VINE GRIP followed by PAT. CAN 1949/U.S.A. #2466083
CROSBY, Noble Wellington
Wire Holder Crosby Brothers Manufacturing Co.

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