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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '148') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 35 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '148';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 103,122 May 17, 1870 Improvement in Insulators for Telegraphic Wire
Hook with metallic oxide cement to hold hook or pin
BAKER, Robert B.
U 133,595 December 3, 1872 Improvement in Insulation of Telegraph lines
Insulator suspended from sub cross-bar (CJ 9-85-14)
ROGERS, James H.
U 308,818 December 2, 1884 Brace for Telegraph and Telephone Lines
Brace to keep multiple lines separated during high wind.
ARNOLD, Andrew H.
U 386,111 July 17, 1888 Electric Wire Insulator
Knobs paired to hold wire in trees
CUTLER, Henry H.
U 481,132 August 16, 1892 Insulator
Device and insulator for suspending wires using one or more insulators encased in a metal sphere with wire suspended by means of a bolt or hook set in the center of the two halves of the spherical insulator (see 286,681)
BOWEN, William J.
Insulator William Hubbard
U Specimen known 530,706 December 11, 1894 Insulator
Composition insulator with clip ears
U 554,723 February 18, 1896 Insulator
Clamp type
Clamp Type  
U Specimen known 682,831 September 17, 1901 Adjustable Insulator
Knobs with various fluted sides grouped to hold wire
U 705,811 July 29, 1902 Insulating Support for Metallic Circuits
Stacked multiple insulators to support wire
ALLEN, John S.
U 732,665 June 30, 1903 Insulating System for Electric Transmission Circuits
Bracket to hold multiple insulators for high tension line
U 751,459 February 9, 1904 Line Insulator
Odd arrangement of two ribbed spools supporting a third ribbed spool to support the line wire
CHESNEY, Cummings C.
U 827,361 July 31, 1906 Insulating Support for Electrical Conductors
Means to support high voltage conductors using small pintype insulators
GIBBONEY, William K.
U 872,569 December 3, 1907 System of Insulation for High Voltage Electric Conductors
Insulator system for high voltage conductors
LOCKE, Fred M.
U 917,785 April 13, 1909 Insulating Support for High Tension Conductors
Suspension support system
U 918,339 April 13, 1909 System for Insulation for High voltage Electric Conductors
Insulator multiples
LOCKE, Fred M.
U 973,204 October 18, 1910 Insulating System for High Potential Electric Conductors
Suspension insulator multiples
LOCKE, Fred M.
Suspension Locke Insulator Mfg. Co.
U 1,010,181 November 28, 1911 Electric Cable Protector
Protective shield mounted on top of the insulator to support the conductor.
SANDFORD, JR., Joseph Addison
Protective Shield The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U Specimen known 1,039,799 October 1, 1912 Insulator Chain for High Pressure Electric Transmission Lines
Suspension chain (pork liver)
PRIESTLEY, Charles M. E.
Suspension Societe Vedovelli Priestley
U Specimen known 1,048,992 December 31, 1912 Insulator
Strain, interlocking type (OB hog liver)
MEAD, George A.
Strain The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,056,998 March 25, 1913 Insulator
Means of insulating and supporting a bussbar.
JAMIESON, Bertrand G.
U 1,084,147 January 13, 1914 Support for Electric Service Wires
Bulbous insulator mounted on a crossarm pin to allow tie-off and running multiple service wires from the main power conductor
Service Drop  
U 1,185,700 June 6, 1916 Insulator for Trolley Wires
Trolley hanger insulator
MOSS, Benton C.
Trolley 1/2 to Charles Fritts
U 1,213,211 January 23, 1917 Current Distributing Apparatus
Bracket attached below the insulator to allow tie-off and running of multiple service wires from the same main power conductor
KLAUBER, Laurence M.
Service Drop San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Co.
U 1,236,886 August 14, 1917 Insulator for Telegraph and Telephone Wires
Bracket composed of three grooved spool insulators arranged to allow the line wire to move horizontally to maintain the tautness of the line.
U 1,292,451 January 28, 1919 Line Wire Insulator
FORT, Louis
U 1,326,307 December 30, 1919 Method of and Means for Supporting Electric Conductors
Rod type insulators used as suspension insulators for high voltage conductors.
THOMAS, Percy H.
U 1,474,256 November 13, 1923 Insulator
Special columnar insulators to support structure for a radio transmitter
GODDARD, Walter T.
Radio Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,683,109 September 4, 1928 Conductor Support
Bracket to hold strain insulators on a crossarm for deadending
SNYDER, Edward B.
Bracket The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,690,989 November 6, 1928 Multiple String Insulator Suspension
Suspensions made up of several strings of disks
MARVIN, Richard H.
Suspension The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U 1,740,641 December 24, 1929 Pole Top Pin for Multiple Construction
Steel bracket for pole top that supports insulator pin on side of pole when conductor is under stress
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Bracket The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,806,170 May 19, 1931 Bracket and Dead-End Insulator
Double deadend bracket with two spool insulators.
LAW, Stanley W.
U 1,821,222 September 1, 1931 Insulator
Metal terminal mounted on outside of a secondary rack insulator or wireholder that is used to secure the deadend of the drop wire with the terminal making the connection to the wire leading into the building eliminating the need for soldering or other poor connection (see 1,821,221; 1,877,903; 1,914,436)
KYLE, William D.
Bracket/secondary Rack Line Material Co.
U 1,954,592 April 10, 1934 Wire Support
KLINGEL, Edward L.
U 1,961,434 June 5, 1934 Adjustable Insulator Bracket
Odd bracket for two spools to hold line wire at varying angles when mounted in a tree with a lag screw
SMEAD, Donald G.
U 2,278,330 March 31, 1942 Multipost Line Insulator
Two post insulators joined together with elongated metal bottom cap
MEYER, Edwin M.
Insulator Porcelain Products, Inc.

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