SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '174') AND (category.subclass = '182') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 72 patents found where: Class is '174'; Subclass is '182';
View a patent by clicking on the patent number. You can sort by any of the columns by clicking on the column name.
T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1890 | ||||||
U ![]() |
418,766 | January 7, 1890 | Support for Electric Conductors Brodie tree insulator with large lag screw and adjustable position. |
SMITH, Joseph Brodie |
Tree | |
1894 | ||||||
U ![]() |
526,498 | September 25, 1894 | Conductor Support and Insulator Jeffrey Mine insulator (CD 185) |
OSYOR, David N. |
Mine | Joseph A. Jeffrey |
1900 | ||||||
U | 648,057 | April 24, 1900 | Third Rail Insulator Third rail insulator designed to allow insulator to rise and fall with movement of the rail. |
RICE, JR, Edwin W. |
Third Rail | General Electric Co. |
1905 | ||||||
U | 779,659 | January 10, 1905 | Insulator Suspension type |
LOCKE, Fred M. |
Suspension | |
1908 | ||||||
U | 904,069 | November 17, 1908 | Insulator Strain insulator to electrically disconnect the circuit. (see reissue 13,526) |
KEMPTON, Williard H. |
Strain | The Johns-Pratt Co. |
1910 | ||||||
U ![]() |
947,274 | January 25, 1910 | Suspension Device for Insulators Suspension with ball and socket coupling |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Akron Hi-Potential Porcelain Co. |
U | 974,177 | November 1, 1910 | Insulator for High Tension transmission systems Suspension insulator with yieldable slugs to distribute strain pressure |
Suspension | General Electric Co. |
1913 | ||||||
R | 13,526 | February 11, 1913 | Insulator Reissue of patent 904,069. Strain insulator to electrically disconnect the circuit. |
KEMPTON, Willard H. |
Strain | The Johns-Pratt Co. |
U | 1,075,217 | October 7, 1913 | High Voltage Insulator Suspension, cap design to allow easy connection using a spring-loaded clip |
MAXWELL, Marshall P. |
Suspension | |
1917 | ||||||
U | 1,242,907 | October 16, 1917 | Insulator Suspension cap and pin to improve strength of connection |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1918 | ||||||
U | 1,281,268 | October 15, 1918 | Insulator Suspension cap and pin to improve strength of connection |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U ![]() |
1,284,975 | November 19, 1918 | Sanded Insulator and Method of Making Same Multipart and suspension sanded joints (see 1,536,749) |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Multipart | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U ![]() |
1,284,976 | November 19, 1918 | Insulator Multipart and suspension cemented metal part designs |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Multipart | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1919 | ||||||
U | 1,291,217 | January 14, 1919 | Adjustable Suspension Insulator Suspension disk with adjustable length pin to equalize the potential across each disk to reduce arc-over |
Suspension | |
U | 1,305,712 | June 3, 1919 | Insulator Cap Suspension cap to receive hook with pin to fin in cap |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Suspension | |
1921 | ||||||
U | 1,398,937 | November 29, 1921 | Suspension Insulator A suspension insulator with pressed on metal cap and special pin that does not require cement. |
Suspension | |
1924 | ||||||
U | 1,484,569 | February 19, 1924 | Ceramic Body Method of making a suspension disk by inserting a fired porcelain part inside the bottom of an unfired disk, then firing the disk, which shrinks around the insert securing a cemented pin inside |
SCHEID, Johannes Friedrich |
Suspension | H. Schomburg & Shone |
U | 1,515,755 | November 18, 1924 | Suspension Insulator Suspension, special pin design |
Suspension | Nora Pfannenstiel |
1927 | ||||||
U | 1,617,154 | February 8, 1927 | Insulator Suspension with metal eye-bolt pin and cap with special securing clips |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1928 | ||||||
U | 1,677,346 | July 17, 1928 | Insulator Fogbowl suspension |
Fog Type | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,684,066 | September 11, 1928 | Insulator Suspension with metal and porcelain shaped to conform with electric field |
MINOR, Douglas F. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,684,441 | September 18, 1928 | High Tension Insulator Suspension with special ribbed cap and pin |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1929 | ||||||
U | 1,719,945 | July 9, 1929 | Insulator Suspension with cutout metal cap and split spring metal eye-pin |
SCHOENTHALER, George Henry |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,725,097 | August 20, 1929 | Insulator Structure Metal parts of suspension insulators are coated with rubber or resin to help prevent or reduce flashover |
NAYLOR, William K. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
1930 | ||||||
U | 1,742,628 | January 7, 1930 | High Tension Insulator Fog type suspension & pin-type insulator with external petticoats (see 1,858,611) Patent was owned by Lapp Insulator Co. |
BARFOED, Svend |
Fog Type | |
U | 1,758,462 | May 13, 1930 | Insulator Multipart cementing technique using Portland cement with a resilient alumina cement followed by a high humidity curing process |
OSBORNE, David Henry |
Multipart | Electric Service Supplies Co. |
U | 1,768,948 | July 1, 1930 | High Voltage Insulator Suspension insulator |
BAUM, Frank G. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,776,557 | September 23, 1930 | Pedestal Insulator Pedestal insulator similar to suspension disk with metal cap and pin to bolt other units to |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Pedestal | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,776,573 | September 23, 1930 | Insulator Cementing treatment for a suspension insulator such that the cement will withstand temperature changes |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1931 | ||||||
U | 1,811,530 | June 23, 1931 | Insulating Device Ribbed suspension insulator with deep hollow interior to receive linkage hardware to connect the next insulator |
BAUM, Frank G. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,819,748 | August 18, 1931 | Insulator Suspension of the cap and pin design specially designed to make a strong joint for the cap and pin |
HAWLEY, Kent A. OSBORNE, David H. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,822,485 | September 8, 1931 | Insulator Method of attached metal cap and pin to suspension insulators |
HAWLEY, Kent A. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
U | 1,823,676 | September 15, 1931 | Insulator with Nested Parts Multipart insulators with metal cap in cement joint of the outer two joints to add strength to the insulator |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,832,157 | November 17, 1931 | Insulator Suspension insulator pin that is coated and designed to prevent stress from temperature changes |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd B. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1932 | ||||||
U | 1,851,671 | March 29, 1932 | High Tension Insulator Suspension insulator with metal attachments fixed with zinc, lead/antimony alloys |
JOHNSTON, Robert M. MCLACHLAN, Alexander |
Suspension | |
U | 1,858,611 | May 17, 1932 | High Tension Insulator Fog type suspension by Lapp (see 1,742,628) Patent was owned by Lapp Insulator Co. |
BARFOED, Svend |
Fog Type | |
U | 1,868,479 | July 26, 1932 | Compensating Strut Type Insulator Suspension insulator cap and pin with special rings to aid strength of cement joint |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1933 | ||||||
U | 1,927,639 | September 19, 1933 | Electric Insulator Suspension insulator with hole in top to insert pin, plug to cement in the hole, and cap cemented over the top |
GRAMSS, Ernst |
Suspension | |
U | 1,937,620 | December 5, 1933 | Insulator Suspension cap and pin designed to improve and strengthen the cement joint |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,937,731 | December 5, 1933 | Insulator Pin for suspension disk |
TAYLOR, John J. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1934 | ||||||
U | 1,942,284 | January 2, 1934 | Electric Insulator Helical grooves on top surface of suspension insulator |
HALTON, Geoffrey H. |
Helical | Steatite & Porc. Prod. Ltd. |
U | 1,958,880 | May 15, 1934 | Suspension Insulator Suspension insulator cap and pin design to reduce stress (see 1,822,485) |
ARNOLD, Edwin E. |
Suspension | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,960,147 | May 22, 1934 | Insulator and Method of Treating It Suspension, glass under cap is etched & treated with graphite |
FULCHER, Gordon S. |
Suspension | Corning Glass Works |
U | 1,961,402 | June 5, 1934 | Insulator Catenary trolley wire support composed of multiple insulator sections with cemented caps and internal threaded parts allowing them to be screwed together |
TAYLOR, John J. |
Catenary | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,975,297 | October 2, 1934 | Insulator Suspension disk strengthen by acid etching glass under cap |
SHAVER, William W. |
Suspension | Corning Glass Works |
U | 1,979,092 | October 30, 1934 | Insulator Suspension cap and pin designed with slipping cement joints to improve strength |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,981,717 | November 20, 1934 | Insulator Suspension cap and pin designed to improve strength of cement joint |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1935 | ||||||
U | 1,988,155 | January 15, 1935 | Insulator Suspension pin |
BOVARD, Floyd G. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,994,266 | March 12, 1935 | Insulator Suspension cap design to allow for expansion of the cap without breaking off the insulator head |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,994,291 | March 12, 1935 | Insulator Suspension for heavy loads with improved cap and pin design; improvement of A. O. Austin patent (see 1,994,265) |
SMITH, William A. |
Suspension | |
U | 1,994,292 | March 12, 1935 | Insulator Special design of pin for suspension insulator |
TAYLOR, John J. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,997,439 | April 9, 1935 | Insulator Special design of cemented pin and cap on pin-type insulator used to support electrical equipment |
TAYLOR, John J. |
Miscellaneous | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 2,008,342 | July 16, 1935 | Insulator Suspension disk with metal spider cap over crown cemented in porcelain |
STROUP, Charles L. |
Suspension | Jeffery-Dewitt Insulator Co. |
U | 2,008,414 | July 16, 1935 | Insulator Suspension cementing procedure |
FISCHER, Eugene H. |
Suspension | |
1936 | ||||||
U | 2,043,523 | June 9, 1936 | Insulator Suspension disk using metal malleable liner to aid cement expansion under the metal cap |
VAN ATTA, Cloyd B. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Corp. |
1937 | ||||||
U | 2,072,201 | March 2, 1937 | Insulator and Method of Making It Suspension, glass, coat crown with graphite prevents cement adhesion |
DIBBLE, Clarence H. |
Suspension | Corning Glass Works |
U | 2,082,566 | June 1, 1937 | Connector Steel connector for strain, suspensions, and other insulators |
BERNDT, Arthur A. |
Connector | Electroline Corp. |
1939 | ||||||
U | 2,146,344 | February 7, 1939 | Electric Insulator Suspension cementing technique to reduce damage from expansion |
MEISSE, Louis A. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1945 | ||||||
U | 2,383,090 | August 21, 1945 | Electric Insulator Suspension insulator with improved cementing methods |
TOROK, Julius J. |
Suspension | Corning Glass Works |
1948 | ||||||
U | 2,443,435 | June 15, 1948 | Insulator Suspension, pin design to prevent expansion stress from corrosion |
TAYLOR, John J. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 2,443,436 | June 15, 1948 | Insulator Suspension with moisture resistant cushion at bottom of cap and pin |
TAYLOR, John J. |
Suspension | The Ohio Brass Co. |
1959 | ||||||
U | 2,879,323 | March 24, 1959 | Electrical Insulating Cement Cement made from synthetic resin to bond metal to porcelain |
NICHOLS, Frank S. SMITH, JR., Sidney R. |
Cement | General Electric Co. |
1969 | ||||||
U | 3,444,314 | May 13, 1969 | Suspension Insulator Having a Cap With Internal Load Transmitting Surfaces Suspension metal cap designed with steps to aid in holding cement on insulator |
VAN TUYL, Thomas Oliver |
Suspension | |
1974 | ||||||
U | 3,836,705 | September 17, 1974 | Electrical Insulator and Conducting Tar Therefore RFI prevention using conductive tar to coat insulator and metal surfaces for cementing |
RFI | Canadian Porcelain Co. |
1975 | ||||||
U | 3,923,570 | December 2, 1975 | Manufacture of Insulators Method of cementing suspension insulators using thick cement and high intensity vibrations |
WILLEM, Michel |
Suspension | Societe Europeene d'Isolateurs en Verre (SEDIVER) |
1983 | ||||||
U | 4,406,918 | September 27, 1983 | Tempered Glass Dielectric Member for an Electrical Insulator and an Insulator Using Said Member Glass tempering method |
SABY, Charles |
Glass | Ceraver |
1984 | ||||||
U | 4,443,659 | April 17, 1984 | Glaze to Pin Connection for an Electrical Insulator with Embedded Metal Fitting Suspension with semi-conducting glaze & conducting coating on cement |
TATEM, William A. |
Suspension | Interpace Corp. |
1985 | ||||||
U | 4,559,414 | December 17, 1985 | Electrolytic Corrosion Resistant Insulator Suspension insulator that is corrosion resistant |
KITO, Kuniji WATANABE, Akihiro |
Suspension | NGK Insulators, Ltd. |
1987 | ||||||
U | 4,658,092 | April 14, 1987 | Explosion Preventing Suspension Insulator Suspension insulator using cement to prevent damage to insulator from expansion |
NAKAMURA, Itsushi MORI, Shigeo |
Suspension | NGK Insulators, Ltd. |
1988 | ||||||
U | 4,782,198 | November 1, 1988 | Suspension Insulators Suspension (porcelain) with glazed head for cementing metal cap |
MORIYA, Tsutomu SHINOKUBO, Hiroyuki |
Suspension | NGK Insulators, Ltd. |
U | 4,782,199 | November 1, 1988 | Insulators Having Improved Steep Wave Front Characteristics Suspension, head treated with special glaze to strengthen cap/cement |
SEIKE, Shoji TOTOKI, Takao MIMA, Toshiyuki |
Suspension | NGK Insulators, Ltd. |
1989 | ||||||
U | 4,814,551 | March 21, 1989 | Anticorrosive Insulator Suspension (anticorrosive), cementing metal cap for DC service (Japan) |
WATANABE, Akihiro MORI, Shigeo |
Suspension | NGK Insulators, Ltd. |
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