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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '200') AND (category.subclass = 'DIG4') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 7 patents found where: Class is '200'; Subclass is 'DIG4';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 917,785 April 13, 1909 Insulating Support for High Tension Conductors
Suspension support system
U 1,245,940 November 6, 1917 Insulator
Suspension string of various size disks to balance electrical capacitance
MARVIN, Richard H.
Suspension The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U 1,250,387 December 18, 1917 Electric Insulator
Suspension made of several parts bolted together
THOMAS, Percy H.
U 1,291,217 January 14, 1919 Adjustable Suspension Insulator
Suspension disk with adjustable length pin to equalize the potential across each disk to reduce arc-over
U 1,521,743 January 6, 1925 Insulator
Suspension arcing horn system and insulator (see 1,552,664 and 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,552,664 September 8, 1925 Insulator
Suspension arcing horn insulator (see 1,521,743 and 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,710,880 April 30, 1929 Insulator Stack
Pedestal type stackable insulators with metal flanges that can be easily adjusted
LAPP, John S.
Pedestal Lapp Insulator Co., Inc.

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