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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent LEFT JOIN category ON category.patent = patent.patent AND category.type = patent.type WHERE (category.class = '403') AND (category.subclass = '184') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 11 patents found where: Class is '403'; Subclass is '184';

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 183,425 October 17, 1876 Improvement in Lightning Rods
Coupling for twisted sheet metal lightning rod composed of hollow end to fit over end of rod and pinned to rod with matching threaded end so coupling parts can be screwed together
SMITH, Charles H.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
R 8,304 June 25, 1878 Improvement in Couplings for Lightning Rods
Coupling for lightning rods where the ends can be screwed together (see 90,578)
REYBURN, William S.
HUNTER, Edmund A. W.
Lightning Rod Coupling 1/2 of Hunter's right to Byron P. Moulton
U 257,890 May 16, 1882 Lightning Rod Coupling
Coupling for spiraling lightning rods that is strong and can be screwed together
PATEE, Theodorus H.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 257,891 May 16, 1882 Lightning Rod Coupling
Coupling for spiraling lightning rods that is strong and can be screwed together
PATEE, Theodorus H.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 287,286 October 23, 1883 Lightning Rod Joint
Coupling for spiraling lightning rods that is an internally threaded collar so each end of the rod can be screwed into the coupling
HEWITT, William
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 287,929 November 6, 1883 Lightning Rod Coupling
Coupling for spiraling lightning rods such that each end of the rod is screwed into the other
HEWITT, William
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 344,096 June 22, 1886 Coupling for Lightning Rods
Coupling for four-pointed twisted lightning rods
FLOY, Edward A.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 938,137 October 26, 1909 Lightning Rod
Lightning rod coupling not made of copper but maintaining a copper contact
GOETZ, Julius F.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U Specimen known 947,274 January 25, 1910 Suspension Device for Insulators
Suspension with ball and socket coupling
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Akron Hi-Potential Porcelain Co.
U 1,558,268 October 20, 1925 Coupling for Sectional Rods
Lightning rod coupling the fits over spiralled rods and crimps tight against the end and screws to other couplings (see 1,140,052)
MAST, Louis L.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 1,625,266 April 19, 1927 Rod Coupling
Lightning rod made solid with parallel fins and connected by coupling with matching male and female threads crimped over the ends of the rod sections
MAST, Charles O.
Lightning Rod Coupling Mast Lightning Rod Co.

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