SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1911-00-00' AND date < '1912-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 50 patents found where: Year is 1911
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1911 | ||||||
U | 980,495 | January 3, 1911 | Wire Retainer and Insulator Guard Self-tying via wire retainer & insulator guard |
CRAWFORD, JR., George W. |
Self-tying Miscellaneous | |
U | 981,074 | January 10, 1911 | Split-knob Insulator Knob triangular shaped |
DUPONT, Henry H. |
Knob | |
U | 983,039 | January 31, 1911 | Insulator Protector Protective shield |
FIELD, John E. |
Protective Shield | |
U | 984,175 | February 14, 1911 | Lightning Rod Means of directing rain water down into the ground tip and retain the water in the ground to aid in conduction of the current to ground |
YARIAN, Charles E. |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 985,707 | February 28, 1911 | Insulator Support Pin of bent metal with flat clips to screw in threads in insulator |
SCHEIBLE, Albert |
Pin | |
U | 986,213 | March 7, 1911 | Insulating Cap miscellaneous |
PHELPS, James C. |
Miscellaneous | |
U | 986,702 | March 14, 1911 | Insulator Self-tying slot top |
FRIEND, David H. |
Self-tying Slot Top | |
U | 989,231 | April 11, 1911 | Insulator Support Knob bracket |
Knob | |
U | 992,397 | May 16, 1911 | Insulator Self-tying screw top |
ANDERSON, Milton E. |
Self-tying Screw Top | |
U | 992,462 | May 16, 1911 | Insulator Shield acting as a roof over the insulator |
WEICKER, William |
Shield | Porzellanfabrik Kahla, Filiale Hermsdorf Klosterlausnitz |
U | 992,570 | May 16, 1911 | Insulator Knob with reversible L-shaped halves to better grip the wire and without projections that might get damaged during shipment. |
MARKEL, Harley R. |
Knob | |
U | 992,595 | May 16, 1911 | Insulator Line Attaching Device Tie wire clip |
RIDENOUR, Lertin W. |
Tie Wire | |
U | 994,607 | June 6, 1911 | Insulator Pin Machine Machine for making wooden insulator pins |
SCHANZMEYER, Franziskus |
Pin/machine | |
U | 995,123 | June 13, 1911 | Insulator Pin Pin, metal with threaded bushing |
ETTE, Charles G. |
Pin | Ette Investment Co. |
U | 995,638 | June 20, 1911 | Brace for Lightning Rod Tops Lightning rod tripod to support rod with ball ornament |
SHINN, William C. |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 995,838 | June 20, 1911 | Knob for Electric Wiring Crossover knob |
BOWER, Fred B. |
Crossover | 1/2 to Edia Ramsey |
U | 996,312 | June 27, 1911 | Insulator Cleat - clamp type |
CHILDRESS, Thornten D. |
Cleat | |
U | 996,365 | June 27, 1911 | Apparatus for Forming Hollow Glassware Bottle blowing machine |
RICHARD, Harvey A. CONWAY, Thomas J. |
Bottle | |
U | 996,782 | July 4, 1911 | Insulator Crossover |
MOORE, William S. |
Crossover | |
U | 997,269 | July 11, 1911 | Insulator Pin or Bracket Machine Machine for making wooden insulator pins |
CARTER, Edwin |
Pin/machine | James E. Owen and Homer L. McNaughton |
U | 998,073 | July 18, 1911 | Electric Insulator Pin, metal split, hollow threads and cushion material in the split |
CHAFFIN, George W. |
Pin | |
U | 998,359 | July 18, 1911 | High Voltage Insulator Suspension type |
LOCKE, Fred M. |
Suspension | Locke Insulator Mfg. Co. |
U | 998,649 | July 25, 1911 | Insulator Bracket for Electrical Work Bracket to hold several insulators on side of pole |
SPENCER, Frederick K. BENNETT, Orville |
Bracket | |
U | 999,414 | August 1, 1911 | High Tension Strain Insulator Electrose strain insulator |
Strain | |
U | 999,683 | August 1, 1911 | Insulator Clamp type |
TINSLEY, Addison B. |
Clamp Type | |
U | 999,714 | August 1, 1911 | Machine for Picking Cotto Machine for picking cotton |
GRAY, Thomas J. |
Cotton | 3/4 to Charles A. Bookwalter, Thomas Taggart, and Crawford Fairbanks and 1/4 to Ralph G. Hemingray |
U | 1,000,389 | August 15, 1911 | Insulator Bracket Steel bracket that fits around the crossarm |
ETTE, Charles G. |
Bracket | Ette Investment Co. |
U | 1,000,493 | August 15, 1911 | Insulator for Electric Railway Cars Spool type insulator to suspend electrical equipment from electric train cars |
Miscellaneous | |
U | 1,000,535 | August 15, 1911 | Insulator Strain, ball with eye-loops on each end |
Strain | |
U | 1,001,137 | August 22, 1911 | Insulator Protector Arcing device attached to top and bottom of insulator |
GODDARD, Walter T. |
Arcing | Locke Insulator Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,001,561 | August 22, 1911 | Automatic Wood Turning Machine Automatic machine for turning wooden table and chair legs, handles, croquet balls, mallets, etc. |
SMITH, Thomas Darling |
Pin | |
U | 1,003,143 | September 12, 1911 | Electric Signaling Apparatus Improved signaling of railways |
LOCKE, Louis P. |
Signal | |
U | 1,003,285 | September 12, 1911 | Lightning Rod Brace Lightning rod tripod to support rod with Y-clips to hold conductor insulator or conductor |
MILLER, George A. |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 1,004,681 | October 3, 1911 | Lightning Rod Cable Light weight, flexible conductor cable made of twisted and braided wires |
PARKER, Edward Henry |
Lightning Rod | |
U | 1,006,040 | October 17, 1911 | Insulator Suspension using multiple parts connected with a cable |
ALSBERG, Julius |
Suspension | |
U | 1,006,041 | October 17, 1911 | Insulator Suspension using multiple parts connected with a cable |
ALSBERG, Julius |
Suspension | |
U | 1,006,042 | October 17, 1911 | Insulator Suspension using multiple parts connected with a cable |
ALSBERG, Julius |
Suspension | |
U | 1,006,268 | October 17, 1911 | Insulator Bracket Bracket (various styles) using spring for threads (see 856,488 and 856,801) |
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L. |
Bracket | Hubbard & Co. |
U | 1,007,138 | October 31, 1911 | Insulator Bracket Bracket (various styles) using spring for threads (see 856,488 and 856,801) |
PEIRCE, JR., Charles L. |
Bracket | Hubbard & Co. |
U | 1,008,087 | November 7, 1911 | Insulator Cleat - self-tying |
SWEENEY, James M. |
Cleat | |
U | 1,009,630 | November 21, 1911 | Insulating Compound Insulator composition made of asbestos, flint, and calcium hydrate. |
BARRINGER, Lawrence E. |
General Electric Co. | |
U | 1,009,810 | November 28, 1911 | Insulator Self-tying top groove with metal clip |
WATKINS, Thomas H. |
Self-tying Miscellaneous | |
U | 1,010,011 | November 28, 1911 | Sectional Insulator Multipart insulator to support high tension conductors in substation |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Multipart | The Ohio Brass Co. |
U | 1,010,077 | November 28, 1911 | Strain Insulator Wood strain insulator with metal caps and eyelet on one end |
SCHAAKE, William |
Strain | Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. |
U | 1,010,181 | November 28, 1911 | Electric Cable Protector Protective shield mounted on top of the insulator to support the conductor. |
SANDFORD, JR., Joseph Addison |
Protective Shield | The R. Thomas & Sons Co. |
U | 1,010,920 | December 5, 1911 | High Tension Insulator Suspension cap and pin design using simple locking pin |
KENNEY, Benjamin D. |
Suspension | The R. Thomas & Sons Co. |
U | 1,011,023 | December 5, 1911 | Machine for Making Glass Articles Press for making glass insulators |
Press | Brookfield Glass Co. |
U | 1,011,164 | December 12, 1911 | Insulator Clamp type |
CORNELIUS, Samuel S. |
Clamp Type | |
U | 1,011,652 | December 12, 1911 | Strain Insulator Strain, ribbed made of Electrose |
Strain | |
U | 1,012,724 | December 26, 1911 | Insulator Support Bracket for pin-type insulator with wooden cob & mounted on a pipe |
SESSIONS, Edson O. |
Bracket | Fay Woodmansee |
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