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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1925-00-00' AND date < '1926-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 43 patents found where: Year is 1925

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 1,521,743 January 6, 1925 Insulator
Suspension arcing horn system and insulator (see 1,552,664 and 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,523,164 January 13, 1925 Insulator Supporting Bracket
Bracket made of stamped metal
BARNARD, Thomas H.
TAYLOR, Herbert M.
U 1,524,141 January 27, 1925 Rack
Secondary rack bracket made by stamping sheet metal.
KYLE, William D.
Bracket/secondary Rack  
U 1,524,407 January 27, 1925 Insulator for Suspended High Tension Electric Wires
Strain for horizontal with cupped ends with downward drip edges
U 1,525,229 February 3, 1925 Means for Mounting Insulator Pins
Steel pin and bracket for mounting on a crossarm with a clamping system not dependent on the size of the crossarm
COTTON, Charles S.
U Specimen known 1,526,168 February 10, 1925 Insulator Link
Suspension links for Hewlett disks
MARVIN, Richard H.
Suspension The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U Specimen known 1,527,318 February 24, 1925 Insulator
Knob with multiple side grooves
LEWIS, Edwin
Knob American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
U 1,527,346 February 24, 1925 Flexible Insulator
Wireholder with lag screw and metal bracket
BRADY, William P.
Wireholder Brady Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,528,056 March 3, 1925 Golf Tee Marker
Porcelain golf tee marker
HERBERT, Joseph T.
Golf Tee The Brunt Porcelain Co.
U 1,528,580 March 3, 1925 Insulator Pin
Unique hollow steel pin with bottom halves that widen when the insulator is screwed down on the pin thus gripping the hole in the crossarm and securing the pin and allowing a tap wire to run from the line conductor down through the center of the pin
STAUB, Arthur J.
U 1,528,908 March 10, 1925 Process of Forming Ceramic Products
Process of adding reagents to accelerate hardening of the clay to reduce the time body is in mold
Manufacturing 1/2 to Frank H. Riddle
U 1,529,259 March 10, 1925 Glass
Alumino-silicate glass (Corning's Flameware)
LOCKE, Fred M.
LOCKE, Fred J.
U 1,530,298 March 17, 1925 Knob
Knob with side grooves
LEE, Ammie L.
U 1,532,110 March 31, 1925 Apparatus for Assembling Nail Knobs
Machine for assembling nail-knobs
LOY, John G.
Knob Federal Porcelain Co.
U 1,532,111 March 31, 1925 Machine for Assembling Nail Knobs
Machine for assembling nail-knobs
LOY, John G.
Knob Federal Porcelain Co.
D 67,238 May 5, 1925 Design for a Bottle
Design for Bottle (Queen City, Grand Pop)
SCHWENCK, Frederick
U 1,536,749 May 5, 1925 Insulator
Multipart (RFI) with sanded, metal coated groove & cement (see 1,284,975)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Multipart The Ohio Brass Co.
D 67,311 May 12, 1925 Design for a Bottle
Design for Bottle (Pay Day)
SCHWENCK, Frederick
U 1,538,238 May 19, 1925 Machine for Assembling Insulator Knobs
Machine for assembling nail-knobs, inserting the nail and crimping it so the nail cannot be removed, thus holding the parts together.
CARPENTER, Alexander
Manufacturing C. A. C. Automatic Machine Co.
U 1,538,428 May 19, 1925 Pole Line Insulator
Self-tying odd insulator screwed into cut-out in top of crossarm
EMMONS, Albert F.
Self-tying Miscellaneous  
U 1,538,946 May 26, 1925 Lightning Rod Connector
Lightning rod with Y-shaped connector pressed out of sheet metal, folded in half around the conductor, and halves secured together by bending over the metal tabs
Lightning Rod  
U 1,542,588 June 16, 1925 Method of Making Suspension Insulators of Glass
Suspension glass insulator with glass pressed around mounting pin
Suspension Jenaer Glaswerk Schott & Gen.
U 1,543,313 June 23, 1925 Insulator
Suspension metal pin and cementing technique
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,543,779 June 30, 1925 Manufacture of Insulators
Suspension glass insulator with pin molded in the glass
FULCHER, Gordon S.
Suspension Corning Glass Works
U 1,544,148 June 30, 1925 Method of Connecting Insulators
Multipart, method of cementing sections with solder
Multipart Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,546,591 July 21, 1925 Cushion Head Insulator Pin
Threads on a pin made of soft metal wire such as lead
KYLE, William D.
Pin Line Material Co.
U 1,552,663 September 8, 1925 Insulator Cap
Metal cap for suspension insulator disks
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U Specimen known 1,552,664 September 8, 1925 Insulator
Suspension arcing horn insulator (see 1,521,743 and 1,783,271)
AUSTIN, Arthur O.
Suspension The Ohio Brass Co.
U 1,553,356 September 15, 1925 Machine for Producing Threads or Grooves in Plastic Articles
Threading method whereby mandrel rotates (similar to Lapp wobbler method)
BENNETT, Cornelius Van Dyke
Thread The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,555,289 September 29, 1925 Insulator
Strain insulator connecting hardware
Strain Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co.
U 1,556,029 October 6, 1925 Method of Connecting Insulator Units
Suspension, card used to keep cement off top surface around cap
REAGAN, Frank H.
Suspension Locke Insulator Corp.
U 1,556,440 October 6, 1925 Press for Making Insulators and the Like
Press for forming threads in porcelain insulators and to prevent damaging the threaded pinhole once formed
HIBBARD, Robert L.
U 1,556,570 October 6, 1925 Impregnated Wood and Process of Treating Wood
Treating wood pins and the like under high temperature with Montan wax and a solvent that penetrates the grain and protects it from weather and decay
Pin Montan, Inc.
U 1,558,268 October 20, 1925 Coupling for Sectional Rods
Lightning rod coupling the fits over spiralled rods and crimps tight against the end and screws to other couplings (see 1,140,052)
MAST, Louis L.
Lightning Rod Coupling  
U 1,558,498 October 27, 1925 Method of Making Insulators
Multipart, cementing of sections (see Pinco catalog page 3)
PECK, John M.
BENNETT, Cornelius Van Dyke
RYAN, James W.
Multipart The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,558,499 October 27, 1925 Insulator Construction
Multipart cementing of sections using resilient cement and non-resilient cement
PECK, John M.
Multipart The Porcelain Insulator Corp.
U 1,561,002 November 10, 1925 Method of Producing Clay Bodies and Apparatus Used
Vacuum process for removing air from the clay
LAPP, Grover W.
Vacuum Lapp Insulator Co., Inc.
U 1,562,817 November 24, 1925 Piano Glide
Glass shell with bottom made of polished hardwood to aid in moving piano and act as an insulator
WISMER, George C.
U 1,562,836 November 24, 1925 Pin for Insulators
Pin with 3 or 4 soft-metal ribs that form threads to screw into the insulator
KYLE, William D.
Pin Line Material Co.
U Specimen known 1,563,377 December 1, 1925 Pulling and Transposing Mechanism for Line Wires
Mechanism for pulling multiple wires in order to string them for transposing.
KLEIN, Charles H.
Equipment American Telephone & Telegraph Co.
U 1,564,918 December 8, 1925 Insulator Clamp
Clamp fitting in tie-wire groove to hold conductor
WILLIAMS, Joseph Thomas
U 1,566,070 December 15, 1925 Sagger
Sagger to provide uniform distribution in the kiln
BUCKLEY, Lorenzo C.
Sagger The R. Thomas & Sons Co.
U 1,567,027 December 29, 1925 Insulator Threading Machine
Machine to form threads in plastic clay
BENNETT, Cornelius Van Dyke
Press The Porcelain Insulator Corp.

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