SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1940-00-00' AND date < '1941-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type |
Total of 27 patents found where: Year is 1940
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T / S | Patent | Date | Description | Patentee | Category | Assigned To |
1940 | ||||||
U | 2,191,143 | February 20, 1940 | Glass Handling Apparatus Machine to pick up block halves while in plastic state |
HIATT, Earl MACKEN, John J. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U ![]() |
2,191,152 | February 20, 1940 | Electrical Insulator CD 240.2 with metal saddle embedded in crown for RFI (see 2,089,791) |
HAMMEL, Victor F. |
Insulator | |
U | 2,191,171 | February 20, 1940 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
LEE, Leffman H. GUTHRIE, James M. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U ![]() |
2,194,189 | March 19, 1940 | Pole Line Insulator CD 142, CD 142.4 - tin & iron for iridized coating to reduce water adherence |
Insulator | Western Union Telegraph Co. |
U ![]() |
2,195,986 | April 2, 1940 | Transmission Line Transposition Transposition block (flat) for short wave radio antenna made of Faradite |
GODDARD, DeWitt Rugg |
Transposition | Radio Corporation of America |
U | 2,196,109 | April 2, 1940 | Hollow Glass Building Block Blocks with wire glass |
EASTUS, Harold L. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,198,450 | April 23, 1940 | Light Transmitting Structure Skylight construction using glass blocks |
OU | |
U | 2,198,578 | April 30, 1940 | Double Glazing Double pane window glass with aluminum seal |
HAZELTON, Benjamin F. ZIMMERMAN, Willard P. HOLMES, Minot K. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,198,734 | April 30, 1940 | Insulator Suspension disk with crown more tempered than skirt for strength |
Suspension | Corning Glass Works |
U | 2,198,839 | April 30, 1940 | Conductor Support Little bracket with insulator crown to hold low voltage wire attached to a wood pole (see 2,022,386) |
PITTMAN, Ralph R. WALSH, Carroll H. |
Miscellaneous | |
U | 2,199,356 | April 30, 1940 | Glassware Forming Apparatus Glass block press |
BROWN, Alvin E. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,201,049 | May 14, 1940 | Glass Fabrication Process and Mold Glass bushing making process |
MOORE, Roy W. |
Manufacturing | General Electric Co. |
U | 2,202,538 | May 28, 1940 | Line Conductor Reinforcement and Tie Tie wire or line reinforcement made of a stiff drawn wire preformed helix to fit around the diameter of the line wire without bending |
Tie Wire | Copperweld Steel Co. |
U | 2,207,342 | July 9, 1940 | Glass Building Block Manufacture Tool to align glass block halves |
EASTUS, Harold L. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,209,006 | July 23, 1940 | Coating Apparatus Machine to dip insulators in glaze. |
SMITH, William A. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
D | 121,705 | July 30, 1940 | Design for an Electric Fence Insulator Fence knob |
SMITH, Ralph R. |
Knob | |
U | 2,210,583 | August 6, 1940 | Mold Glass block mold |
HENRY, Kenneth M. |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
D | 122,269 | September 3, 1940 | Design for a Hollow Glass Building Block Design for glass block |
OI | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,213,425 | September 3, 1940 | Insulator Fastener Knob and bracket pin |
YOUNG, Harry M. |
Knob | Western Wire Products Co. |
U | 2,215,152 | September 17, 1940 | Insulator Rubber insert |
HOSFIELD, Glenn E. |
Rubber | |
U | 2,215,984 | September 24, 1940 | Apparatus for Producing Hollow Glass Articles Glass suction press for CD 128 |
SOUBIER, Leonard D. |
Press | Owens-Illinois Glass Co. |
U | 2,218,004 | October 15, 1940 | Porcelain Insulator Screw Bracket Wireholder with lag screw |
LEMONT, Clarence J. |
Wireholder | Line Material Co. |
U ![]() |
2,218,497 | October 15, 1940 | Electrical Insulator Rubber pin type insulator (see 2,304,483) |
SMITH, Donald H. WHEELER, Herbert H. |
Rubber | Western Union Telegraph Co. |
U | 2,219,727 | October 29, 1940 | Insulator Structure Wireholder with multiple grooves and lag screw |
STEWART, Lory B. |
Wireholder | 1/3 to Karl Thielscher |
U | 2,222,810 | November 26, 1940 | Clamp for Connecting an Insulator to a Post Electric fence with bracket to attach an easily adjustable insulator to a T-post |
DAILY, Floyd H. |
Fence | |
U | 2,224,361 | December 10, 1940 | Insulator Wireholder with lag screw |
SEELYE, Howard P. |
Wireholder | |
U | 2,224,853 | December 17, 1940 | Method of Manufacturing Ceramic of Vitreous Ware Manufacturing method to improve quality of porcelain during firing |
AUSTIN, Arthur O. |
Manufacturing | The Ohio Brass Co. |
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