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SELECT DISTINCT patent.*, YEAR(date) as year FROM patent WHERE (date >= '1961-00-00' AND date < '1962-00-00') ORDER BY date ASC, patent, type

Total of 14 patents found where: Year is 1961

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T / S Patent Date Description Patentee Category Assigned To
U 2,972,211 February 21, 1961 Method of Manufacturing a Glass Insulator
Method of tempering glass insulators where the head is toughened more than the rest of the insulator
MACINTOSH, Hamish Fraser
Glass Pilkington Brothers Ltd.
U 2,972,783 February 28, 1961 Method for Fabricating Glass Block Panels
Toplite skylight glass block panels
RUSSELL, Richard G.
STARK, Charles H.
KI Kimble Glass Co.
U 2,975,499 March 21, 1961 Ceramic Tunnel Kiln
More fuel efficient tunnel kiln for burning ceramic ware and produces a more uniform quality of porcelain.
LAPP, Grover W.
Tunnel Kiln  
U 2,975,554 March 21, 1961 Press Mold and Method of Operation
Insulator press for CD 1049
STUTSKE, William A.
TOROK, Julius J.
Press Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 2,976,034 March 21, 1961 Chuck for Glass Block Machine
Chuck for Glass Block Machine
HIATT, SR., Earl
U 2,978,839 April 11, 1961 Apparatus for Finishing Apertured Glass Articles
Fire polishing of holes for thru hole insulators CD 1049
EASTUS, Harold L.
Manufacturing Kimble Glass Co.
U 2,986,595 May 30, 1961 Post Type Insulator and Method of Making the Same
Method of sealing the internal part of the insulator to protect its electrical resistance
FIERO, Carl D.
COREY, Charles E.
Post Type Lapp Insulator Co., Inc.
U 2,988,852 June 20, 1961 Method of Thermally Sealing Hollow Glass Articles at Minimal Temperatures
Glass to glass seal for glass blocks
HENRY, Kenneth M.
OI Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 2,992,515 July 18, 1961 Apparatus for Forming Perforated Glass Bodies
Machine to place holes in glass blocks
MATHIAS, SR., Russell L.
KI Kimble Glass Co.
U 2,993,409 July 25, 1961 Skylights
Glass Block Skylight
BOYD, Robert A.
OI Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 2,995,184 August 8, 1961 Gas Burner Structures
Gas Burner for welding glass blocks
OI Owens-Illinois Glass Co.
U 2,996,845 August 22, 1961 Structural Panel and Building Wall Construction Utilizing Same
Panellized glass block wall construction
CIPRIANI, Chester C.
STARK, Charles H.
KI Kimble Glass Co.
U 3,003,287 October 10, 1961 Apparatus for Forming Glass Articles
Glass block and TV faceplate pressing machine
TOROK, Julius J.
KI Kimble Glass Co.
U 3,012,378 December 12, 1961 Light Transmitting Blocks
Glass Block
BOYD, Robert A.
OI Owens-Illinois Glass Co.

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