Sterling Electric Company apparatus

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Western Electrician

Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 26, no. 11, p. 171, col. 1

Sterling Company's Apparatus

During the year that has elapsed since the publication of the last annual telephone number, the Sterling Electric company has removed its plant and main office to Lafayette, Ind. The business of this company was attaining such proportions that its Chicago establishment had grown to be entirely inadequate, and the move to Indiana was decided on after it was found impossible to secure a suitable location of sufficient capacity in this city.

With the increased facilities acquired, the Sterling company is now in a position not only to supply the constantly growing demand for its well-known Bell-style switchboards and protective devices, but also to take up the manufacture of a full line of telephone instruments for all requirements of service. New and improved types of the various devices manufactured will be brought out from time to time, and it will be the aim of the company to keep in the lead in good things for the telephonic field.

A new form of carbon and fuse arrester which has just been placed on the market is shown in Fig. 2 with the cover removed. It is an exceedingly attractive contrivance, being mounted on porcelain and enclosed with a glass cover, which has the trademark of the company blown in the side. It embodies the well-known Cook carbon lightning arrester and strong-current features in connection with a low-resistance fuse, and is an efficient protection against many of the foreign currents threatening telephone apparatus.


Fig. 1. — Sterling Company's Apparatus. — Pole Cable Terminal.


In compliance with a demand which has arisen for a pole cable terminal in connection with the line fuses and cable protection, this company has produced a compact, reliable and sightly terminal, which is illustrated in Fig. 1. It consists of a metal cable head similar to the Sterling lock-nut terminal, with five-ampere line fuses and carbon arresters mounted on the sides. The whole is intended for use in the ordinary pole cable-head box, and furnishes lightning protection for the cable as well as housing the line fuses.

These appliances are manufactured with the same care and attention to mechanical detail that has always been a distinguishing mark of Sterling apparatus, and will undoubtedly find a large sale among exchange owners.


Fig. 2. — Sterling Company's Apparatus. — Carbon and Fuse Arrester.


The recent decision given Mr. Cook, the president of the company, by the Court of Appeals, at Washington, D. C., in his suit against the Western Electric company, on a protective system, is of considerable importance to the telephone world in general and to the Sterling company in particular, as it is said to settle .finally and conclusively this controversy, and gives the latter company the exclusive right to this device.

For the convenience of its patrons in the East the company has appointed as its representative in that field, the Columbia Electrical Supply company, 93 Liberty street, New York city. A branch office has also been retained in Chicago, at 1260 Monadnock building, which is in charge of Mr. J. H. Parish, who will be glad to meet friends and prospective purchasers of telephone apparatus and exploit the merits of the Sterling product.


Keywords:Sterling Electric Company
Researcher notes:It is not known if this company is related to the insulators embossed with the Sterling symbol.
Supplemental information:Article: 10050
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 10, 2009 by: Bob Stahr;