[Trade Journal]
Publication: Western Electrician
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 26, no. 11, p. 175, col. 1
The Sterling Electric company of Lafayette, Ind., has issued a 40-page catalogue, which is presented, not as a complete catalogue, but with the intention of conveying in a general manner some idea of its apparatus and to announce to the company's patrons the removal of its general offices and factory to Lafayette, where it has a large and well-equipped telephone-manufacturing plant. The catalogue contains a number of illustrations of the Sterling apparatus and shows several views of exchanges which the company has equipped. A partial list of "telephone exchanges (both Bell and Independent) where apparatus designed and patented by Frank B. Cook, and now manufactured by the Sterling Electric company, has been or is being installed, is given in the back of the book. The company announces that a complete and comprehensive catalogue is in course of preparation and will be issued later.