[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Electrical Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 19, no. 356, p. 205-210, col. 1-2
PASS & SEYMOUR, of Syracuse, N. Y., were represented as in former years by Mr. A. P. Seymour, who had no samples with him but met many of his warm friends, and talked over old times. Pass & Seymour goods require no description and can be procured anywhere, and Mr. Seymour does not come to sell, but simply to talk and take the opportunity of showing the latest developments in his branch of the business.
THE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. had at the Cleveland Co.'s station the exhibit of the "Monocyclic" plant of which full details were given in the last issue of The Electrical Engineer. This system has also been fully described in these pages. There was also a fine display of lighting supplies; the porcelain specialties—switches, cut-outs, etc., manufactured by the General Electric Company at its own works; a complete line of punched clip station switches, primary alternating, railway, power, and direct current two wire and three wire recording wattmeters, several of which were in operation, an arc watt meter and a Thomson portable ammeter. In addition a supply of the new General Electric key sockets with porcelain bases was shown and one was bestowed as a souvenir on each of the visiting delegates. The exhibit was rounded off by a handsome specimen of railway switch board work, the controlling instruments being mounted on a fine panel of Tennessee marble, and by a 12 inch search light projector. Visitors were taken to the exhibit in conveyances furnished by the company. At the Hollenden the Company occupied the banquet room as headquarters. The representatives of the General Electric Company were Prof. Elihu Thomson, and Messrs. S. D. Greene, E. W. Rice, Jr., Charles P. Steinmetz, Dr. Louis Bell, J R Lovejoy, B. E. Sunny, W. L. R. Emmet, A. D. Page, Wilson 8. Howell, C. D. Haskins, H. C. Wirt, under whose special care the exhibit was installed ; W. F. Hays, T. Beran, F. M. Kimball, C. E. Harthan, G. F. Rosenthal, L. D. Tandy, Edgar Mix, and Messrs. Bostwick, Benbow and Greenwood.
MR. J. H. PARKER, of C. S. Knowles of Boston, was present constantly in the Hollendon attending to his large interests in various electrical supplies, and secured a few good orders from some of the representative companies present.
MR. M. M. WOOD, inventor, patentee and manufacturer of electric light and railway specialties was in attendance, showing also a model of the Eureka porcelain cleat of heroic size.
THE PERU ELECTRIC MFG. CO. could hardly have found a more efficient exponent of their wares than Mr. Jas. McGill, who had a nicely arranged sample board of their various porcelain goods. A line of the several types of the Laclede and Hercules batteries was also shown.
THE ANCHOR ELECTRIC CO. of Boston were represented by Mr. Norman Marshall who showed a board mounted with their well known specialties in sockets, switches, cut-outs, etc. They also showed samples in their new Anchor tree insulator and Anchor cleat, both halves of which are exactly alike; and the Dow lamp cord adjuster, a most useful device for raising and lowering incandescent lamps suspended by lamp cord. Although they did not show any of their Watchmen's Clocks, they distributed a large number of sample dials from the Iona printing watchman's register, which proved quite interesting reading matter to those wishing to reduce the insurance on their factories.
THE AKRON INSULATOR & MARBLE CO., of Akron, O., exhibited a variety of samples of their floor and window tubes, circuit breakers, and electrical specialties. Their goods are all made of perfectly vitrified non-porous, non-absorbing clay, which make them perfect insulators and absolutely fire proof. The exhibit was in charge of Mr. A. L. Daniels.