Publication: The Muncie Daily News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 2, col. 3
One Thousand.
The case of the State against Calvin Stout, for forgery was tried before Squire Keener this morning at 9 o'clock. The case was up Saturday morning but Stout demanded an attorney and it was postponed until this a.m. The testimony from the start was against him. His attorney failed to appear, and he acted as his own attorney but made a flat failure. Elisha Langdon, the gentleman who purchased the check testified that he went to the person on whom the check was drawn who said that he knew nothing at all about it. He also went to Mr. Hemingray, who informed him that he never drew such a check upon which Mr. Langdon filed an affidavit against Stout for forgery.
Stout was bound over to court in the sum of one thousand dollars. Having no money, nor friends who would go his bail, he was placed back in jail until his case is called in the Delaware Circuit Court. The case is a clear one, and Stout will undoubtedly rusticate for three or five years at the well known summer resort called Michigan City.