Publication: The British Colonist
Victoria, BC, Canada
vol. XXXIII, no. 103, p. 3, col. 5
C. P. Telegraph.
It is with regret that we have to announce that Mr. F. J. Barnard, the contractor for building the Canadian Pacific Telegraph, has received notice from the Department of Public Works to discontinue work for the present. Mr. Barnard had provisions on the ground, his plans well laid, and everything ready for a start. He had sent his foreman to inspect the ground, and has since received the following telegram; —
Cache Creek, April 12th, 1875.
To F. J. Barnard,
We can go to work as soon as you can get the men and tools through. Send from fifty to seventy five men to start with and send others as fast as you can get them through. You can work two hundred by the time you can get them here. I was up the North river, forty seven miles from here: found snow from twelve to twenty inches deep, going off fast. Answer.
We say we regret this exceedingly as the men were on hand waiting to be sent forward. Mr. B. is of the opinion that the final location of the line of Railway by the Dominion Government is the cause of this temporary suspension on his contract.